With the boom of Pokémon GO still on fire, they introduced a new feature call Go Snapshot. This allows Pokémon GO trainers to take awesome snapshots with their Pokémon any time and virtually anywhere! We have searched some of the best #GOsnapshot AR pics and asked a professional photographer to give an opinion on it. Here is what she said:
@ant.giovanni caught a Gyarados by accident.
“The lighting and composition of this photo are just perfect, and the emotion on both of the subjects’ faces is visceral and real. I can almost hear the fisherman’s high-pitched scream!”
@bad_krabby stopped to smell the flowers with a Beedrill.
“The bright yellow flowers complement the Beedrill’s natural coloring, and the slightly askew horizon line in the photo hints at the danger and unpredictability of the fierce and territorial Beedrill.”
@pmktrainerzsazsa was blocked by a Snorlax.
“The low angle of this photo adds girth and mass to the Snorlax subject, while the symmetry of the composition creates an aura of intimidating balance. This is just a cool pic!”
@atisyayunus spent the day chillin’ with a Slakoth.
“Good use of the rule of thirds in composition in this photo. The high-contrast lighting matches the palette of the Slakoth very well, and the low angle puts us on the level of the subject, who is almost inviting us to chillax with it. This pic makes me want to take a nap, in a good way.”
@ar.pics.id spent a delightful day with a Mythical Deoxys.
“The low angle of this photo adds a degree of power and menace to the subject, and the mirroring of the Deoxys’ arm shape in the sculpture blends subject into environment perfectly.”
@spsx22 found a Rattata in the junkyard.
“Oh, man. This is one of my favorites because the subject blends so well into the environment. The framing is perfect. Your eyes can’t help but move around this image because every inch of it is something new and different. This is great!”
@loconicD is staying fit and focused with his Poochyena.
“This is a great photo! The colors are bright but natural. He follows the rule of thirds pretty well with his background, and the mirroring of poses adds some charm and humor. This is well-choreographed!”
And @pkmn.trainer.cole took his Charizard on an epic journey.
“Oh, wow! This photo is really epic. Somehow this just feels like the Charizard’s natural environment. It kind of has a feeling of hope and adventure, even though we’re behind both of the subjects. Portraying that without facial expressions can be difficult, but this photo nailed it!”