Tattoos are not just a stain of ink that could be thrown away. They remain on the skin forever and it costs A LOT to remove them. With this common fact about getting a tattoo, there are some people who look like they’ve got their tattoo while they were drunk. Here are the most absurd tattoos that you wish they’ve thought it through even if you have no idea who they are.
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This seems like it should be a drunken mistake, but from the way this guy is (not) dressed, I’m pretty sure this guy is proud of it…
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That’s not how clocks are numbered.
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This guy actually got his car’s VIN number tattooed on his body. On the plus side, he’ll always have it on hand for filling out DMV forms. On the other hand, THIS WON’T BE HIS CAR FOREVER.
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Oh nooooooooo.
That kid’s initials may be TSD, but that tattoo looks an awful lot like STD.
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You can’t just make words have the same number of letters in them! That’s not how it works!
This next one is truly awful…
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It’s supposed to be a constellation of stars.
It does not look like a constellation of stars.
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Props to this woman for the Nickelback pun, and also for having the courage to beg for a free cover-up while putting it all out there.
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The thing is…
All tattoos are permanent. Even “test” tattoos.
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You might always be exactly where you’re supposed to be, but guess what isn’t?
The “d” in “supposed.”
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Um, yeah, if this is how the phases of the moon worked, things would be crazy all of the time.
Oy with the next one…
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Maybe don’t get a tattoo of a meme that won’t be popular forever and also maybe don’t get a tattoo of something that’s a trick of the light. That doesn’t work with ink on skin.
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This person got this tattoo to protest the captivity of animals at SeaWorld. I don’t know how this accomplishes that. Really, all it makes me want to do is protest people getting tattoos.
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Of course a white guy got a terrible tattoo of Tupac on a unicorn.
Of course.
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It gets better, usually, unless it’s already tattooed on your body.
Then it can’t get better because tattoos are permanent.
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Tattoos are permanent.
Pregnancy is not.
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Lesson learned.
When you take an existing tattoo to an artist, make sure they won’t also copy the body part the tattoo surrounds.
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I don’t know why this hard-to-read message is in the form of a word search, but I don’t like.
I don’t like it one bit.
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Nothing good ever started with the sentence, “A friend of mine recently got a new tattoo gun.”
Just don’t even finish the story.
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Uh oh.
I don’t think these people know that “due” should be “do” or that tattoos don’t have to be written in your terrible handwriting.
via: Reddit
A noble effort, but a fail nonetheless.
In fact, it’s the 20nd fail of this gallery. See what I did there?
Baseball is life. Or…wait, bowling?
Where to start on this tattoo? Not only is it badly drawn (Those lines! They look like the artist chugged eight cups of coffee and just went to town), but also what is it? The ball is somehow both a baseball AND a bowling ball, but the words “It’s not just a game” imply they are only talking about one sport. Is there some kind of baseball-bowling hybrid sport that just hasn’t gone mainstream yet?
The irony of the mistake in this tattoo almost seems like it could have been intentional.
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At least the tattoo artist probably didn’t feel bad about messing this up, considering the sentiment the customer wanted expressed. She later got the misspelled word covered up with a flower, which is disappointing because it was funnier before.
Hey girl. I see you’re getting a tattoo of my face. Make sure it looks just like me, okay?
Nailed it.
Is it a wolf? A bobcat?
It looks kind of like a derpy German Shepard that just heard someone open a box of Milkbones.
Something went terribly wrong during this Animorph’s last transformation.
The longer you stare at this tattoo, you start to realize it’s actually not that badly drawn. Each individual side isn’t so bad, but together it’s the stuff of nightmares.
Luckily he can’t actually see this tattoo.
I’m fairly certain every boy in my fourth grade class drew this exact tattoo on the back of at least one of their notebooks.
Look, just because it’s true doesn’t mean you need to get it tattooed on you.
Ok, I don’t remember a lot of algebra, but let me see. If we are solving for “partytime”, then partytime=480?
Definitely don’t find your tattoo artist on Facebook Marketplace.
And if you do, being able to spell the word “tattoo” should be mandatory.
Noooooo. Why would you do this?
View this post on InstagramWould you like fries with that? #?
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You’ll never be able to unsee this tattoo and I’m so sorry but if I had to see this, you had to see this too. Next time you’re at McDonald’s and they ask if you “want fries with that?” trust me, you will not.
Ah, yes, the Ten Commandments: God, familey, money.
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There are a lot of terrible parts of this tattoo, but my personal favorite might be that the 1 seems to have both a period and a colon after it.
To be fair, this Harley Quinn tattoo looks like it’s not finished yet.
It could get better, right? It just needs a little shading and arms that look like they belong to a human being.
The eagle is such a majestic creature.
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This eagle, however, is um…let’s just say “abstract”.
This tattoo immediately gave me a migraine.
The different fonts. The spacing. The way the words are kind of arranged into an anchor?
Who needs spellcheck?
Ok, let’s ignore the fact that they used the wrong “your” four times and misspelled the word “thief, what’s up with the tire?
I hope Mork appreciated this.
0/10 would not see this Disney movie.
You could collect ticket stubs or…
I’m not sure what’s worse: that they saw Nickelback twice or that they went to an Avril Lavigne concert in 2008.
If this movie didn’t make you cry, this tattoo will.
Maybe the tattoo artist tattooed them while watching The Fox and the Hound/sobbing?
Love Minions?
Then you probably won’t like this horrifying tattoo.
To be fair, we don’t know what those people look like in real life. It could be very accurate.
Some people just really love meat.
Personally, I’d like to know the mythology behind the Meat Fairy. She’s made of meat, and yet she creates meat? But meat was once alive itself so is she the ghost of the animal she once was? So many questions.
Oh no.
Racist, misogynist AND a terrible tattoo? He’s hit the trifecta!
What…is it?
What does it mean? Have we been cursed by this image of a bat in front of a rainbow? Probably.
Time goes by.
Apples are red. Montana is cold. Lunch is the second meal of the day. This person just really likes solid facts.
When I think neck tattoo, I think flamingos wearing sunglasses.
Neck tattoos are normally reserved for people who already have a lot of tattoos, so maybe they ran out of good things to have tattooed.
Only God can judge you, but we can correct your spelling.
The grim reaper isn’t that bad, but the lettering…
Love the game, hate the tattooer.
That football needs some air.
It’s good that you love your menstrual cup, they are really good for the environment.
View this post on InstagramI gotta order these special condoms off ebay. All girth, no length
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But do you really need a tattoo of it?
I’ll leave you with this lovely image.
As if Chucky didn’t already give us nightmares.