50 Of The Spookiest And Most Sinister Places On Earth
Life is short and there are plenty of places around the world that you’ve never imagined in your dreams that it would exist. If you are seeding a travel destination that is different and far from the ordinary, see if these images lure you to try out something adventurous.
You can actually experience dark and spooky forests you see in a movie, an abandoned building, or even strange natural phenomena that would make you wonder about reality. Whether you are afraid or fascinated by unnatural beings, here are the lists of place that will move your adventurous heart.
1) Bhangarh Fort, India
Built in the 17th century in the Rajasthan state of India, Bhangarh Fort was supposedly cursed by a wizard. It is this curse which is said to account for the activity that takes place there. Considered to be one of the most haunted forts in India, Bhangarh Fort sits abandoned, occupied only by the ghosts of its past.
2) Wychwood Forest, England
Located in central England around Oxfordshire, the Wychwood Forest, or more simply the Wychwood, is an eerie forest that many claim to be haunted. Phenomena said to occur there include touches from an unseen force and the sound of invisible horse hooves thundering through the forest.
3) Akershus Fortress, Norway
Akershus Fortress in Oslo, Norway has been used as a royal residence and military base over its long history. The fortress is said to be the home of a vicious ghost dog called Malcanisen and a mysterious ghost woman who goes from room-to-room inside.
4) Lome Bazaar, Africa
If you are into voodoo or black magic, make sure to stop by the Lome Bazaar the next time you are in Togo, West Africa. The open-air market contains everything to cast a spell, or if you simply need a fetish for your next voodoo ritual.
5) Hanging Coffins, Philippines
The Hanging Coffins of Sagada lie in the Philippines on Luzon island. The coffins hang on the sides of cliffs in the area with some of the coffins over 100 years old. The belief was that placing the bodies of the deceased above the ground moved them closer to their ancestral spirits. Regardless of th4e reason, it’s spooky.
6) Eastern State Penitentiary, U.S.A.
Opening in 1829, Eastern State Penitentiary served as a prison in the state of Pennsylvania for 142 years. During that time, the prison used the “Individual-treatment system” which relied on solitary confinement as a punishment. Closed in 1971, the edifice is said to be haunted by the inmates who were once incarcerated there.
7) Chateau de Brissac, France
Built during the 11th century, the Chateau de Brissac in Maine-et-Loire, France has changed many hands over its long history. This might account for the reports of hauntings at the location, including that of the Green Lady, the chateau’s resident ghost.
8) Tuol Sleng, Cambodia
Considered one of the most haunted places in Cambodia, Tuol Sleng served initially as a school that eventually became a prison. It is reported that almost 14,000 inmates lost their lives at the facility with many brutally tortured.
9) Fort George, Canada
Located in Nova Scotia, Canada, Fort George is reportedly haunted by the ghost of Sarah Ann, a young girl who died from disease at the fort, as well as the countless spirits of war dead during the War of 1812.
10) Poveglia, Italy
Considered by many to be one of the most haunted places in the word, Poveglia Island sits off the coast of Venice, Italy. Over its history, the island has served as a quarantine area for people with infectious diseases and a sanitarium run by a crazed scientist. This has led some to believe that it is now haunted by those who suffered and perished there.
11) Castle of Good Hope, South Africa
The appropriately named Castle of Good Hope sits to the north of the Cape of Good Hope in Cape Town, South Africa. Believed to be haunted, the castle plays host to the sound of footsteps, said to be those of ghost guards walking along its battlements.
12) Craco, Italy
At one time a center of knowledge with its own university, Craco, Italy now sits abandoned. A victim of famine and plague, it was landslides that eventually forced the complete evacuation of the town in 1963. Today, the only ones found in the once thriving town are tourists on guided tours as it has literally become a ghost town.
13) Old House Woods, U.S.A.
Old House Woods, along Virginia’s Chesapeake Bay, is the location of sightings of ghost ships, bit on the waters of the bay and above the forest. Another ghost said to haunt the area is the Storm Woman, who is sais to shriek a warning as storms come in off the bay.
14) The Hill of Crosses, Lithuania
Found in the country of Lithuania, the Hill of Crosses was erected as a monument to the faith of the people of Lithuania and as a testament to their national identity. With the number of crosses estimated at over 100,000. While whether it is haunted by the spirits of the dead, who the crosses are said to commemorate, is up for debate, it is still a spooky place nonetheless.
15) Helltown, U.S.A.
This abandoned town in the Cuyahoga Valley in Ohio is the subject of all kinds of weird tales. The most prominent of which is the Presbyterian church supposedly built by Satanists. There are also stories of mutants in the area created by a chemical spill at the nearby Krejei Dump.
16) Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, U.S.A.
Located in San Francisco Bay on Alcatraz Island, this world famous prison was open for over 30 years and housed one of the most famous gangsters in U.S. history, Al Capone, in the 1930s. Today, it is reported to be haunted by the spirits of some of the inmates who spent time there.
17) Bran Castle, Romania
More commonly known as Dracula’s Castle, Bran Castle in Romania at one time held an imprisoned Vlad Tepes, the ruthless ruler on who Bram Stoker based his character Count Dracula. The castle itself is said to be haunted by an unknown force, which is completely believable given the areas dark history.
18) Catacombs in Paris, France
Holding the skeletal remains of over 6 million people, the catacombs in Paris, France are a series of underground ossuaries located beneath the city. This maze of bone and rock began as an attempt to relieve the city’s overflowing cemeteries. Today, the catacombs serve as a tourist attraction, though it is also reported to be haunted by the spirits of the departed.
19) Pendle Hill, England
England’s Pendle Hill is the site of the reported practicing of witchcraft in 1612. Those accused were put on trial resulting in the death of 11 people. In addition to the spirits of the victims, who are reported to haunt the hill, those who practice the dark arts are said to frequent the area.
20) Veijo Rönkkönen Sculpture Garden, Finland
Factory worker Veijo Rönkkönen spent 50 years filling a forest near his home with sculptures he had created. At the time of his death in 2010, the forest contained about 550 of his sculptures, which depicted human figures in various poses and performing a variety of everyday activities.
21) Stanley Hotel, U.S.A.
The Stanley Hotel, in Estes Park, Colorado is said to be haunted by a variety of spirits. Getting its notoriety due to it inspiring Stephen King’s “The Shining,” some of the more prominent paranormal happenings include hearing children in the halls late at night, sightings of a friendly cowboy in Room 428, and the ghost of Elizabeth Wilson in Room 217, where King stayed.
22) Plain of Jars, Laos
Found in Phonsavan, Laos, the Plain of Jars is scattered across several square miles, their intent unknown. One suggestion is that the jars were used to collect rainwater so travelers would have something to drink while on a long journey. Local legends speak of a race of giants who created the jars. To this day the jars remain an enigma.
23) The Death Railway, Thailand
Thailand’s Death Railway, which includes the famous bridge over the River Kwai from movie fame, was built on the backs of forced labor, including World War II POWs, many who died. As such, the railway is said to be haunted by the spirits of those who died constructing it.
24) Winchester Mystery House, U.S.A.
Located in San Jose, California, the Winchester Mystery House is an enigma of the modern day. Built by Sarah Winchester, the heiress to the Winchester gun empire, the house was an attempt by Sarah to keep away the spirits of those killed by Winchester guns. Sarah had workers build on the supposedly haunted house non-stop until eventually it became a giant maze of 160 rooms, including 40 bedrooms and two basements.
25) Bethnal Green Underground, England
3In March of 1943, 173 people died in the Bethnal Green Tube Station, which was being used as an air raid shelter by the local populace. The deaths occurred as people filed into the underground area after the air raid sirens had gone off, with a crowd of people falling at the bottom of the stairs and being crushed to death. their spirits are said to still haunt the tunnel today.
26) Centralia, U.S.A.
Located in Pennsylvania, Centralia is a former mining town with an explosive past. Literally, a coal mine in the region caught on fire and the fire spread until the all of the mines beneath the town were on fire. The population in Centralia decreased from there with only eight residents in the town as of 2014. Scientists expect the fires to rage for another 250 years or more.
27) Culloden Moor, Scotland
Culloden Moor was the site of a major battle in 1746. And while the battle was over, the soldiers that died in the conflict are said to remain at the site, clashing their swords together and crying out in anguish.
28) Cat Island, Japan
Can you imagine visiting an island with more cats than humans. In fact, Tashirojima has a population of almost 300 cats, as compared to 100 humans. What started out as an attempt to control the mouse population on the island, which produces silk, has turned into a whole other type of problem.
29) Capuchin Catacombs, Italy
Located in Palermo in Sicily, Italy, the Capuchin Catacombs are a series of burial crypts found below the local monastery. What was at first relegated to the monks, soon became a practice for interring the locals, nobles mostly who could afford the cost. the result, a macabre burial custom that still draws visitors today.
30) Stull Cemetery, U.S.A.
Located in Kansas, Stull Cemetery is said to contain one of the seven gates to Hell. A 1974 student newspaper article claimed that the devil appeared at the location twice a year. To add to that legend, a local tree was rumored to be used to hang witches and sat next to an abandoned church which has since been removed. Rumors persist of devil worship being active in the area.
31) The Tower of London, England
One of the most well-known buildings in all of the England, the Tower of London has played an important part in the country’s history. As such, is it any wonder tha5t there have been reports of hauntings upon its grounds. The ghosts said to haunt the infamous tower include Queen Anne Boleyn, twin brothers Edward V and Richard, and the White Lady.
32) Sedlec Ossuary, Czech Republic
The appearance of this small Roman-Catholic chapel is deceiving from the outside, appearing normal enough. But, upon entering you are greeted with a macabre display of bones. Known as The Chapel of Bones, Sedlec Ossuary is said to contain the bones of anywhere from 40,000 to 70,000 people, all displayed in morbid fashion.
33) Edinburgh Castle, Scotland
Overlooking the Scottish Capitol of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Castle has seen numerous reports of paranormal activity throughout its existence. Some of the activity includes the ghosts of prisoners kept in the castle’s dungeon and a headless drummer, who is said to beat on his drum when the castle is in danger.
34) The Body Farm, U.S.A.
Located in Knoxville, Tennessee, the Body Farm is a forensic research facility. Each year, location all across the U.S. donate bodies to the farm, where they are used to reenact murder scenes in the hopes of learning more about what happened.
35) Monte Cristo, Australia
Considered the most haunted house in Australia, the Monte Cristo Homestead in New South Wales has been the scene of sightings of the ghosts of the residences former inhabitants, as well as being touched by an unseen force.
36) Hashima Island, Japan
This island, which sits off the coast of Japan near the city of Nagasaki, was at one time the site of forced labor at the island’s Mitsubishi facility. The high number of deaths from this grueling labor has led many to believe the island is still haunted by their spirits as visitors report hearing voices and murmurs along the island’s abandoned walkways.
37) Changi Beach, Singapore
Believed to be haunted by the people executed during the Japanese occupation of the area during World War II, Changi Beach in Singapore is a paranormal hotspot, complete with flying heads, and headless bodies wandering its shores looking to be reunited with each other.
38) Snake Island, Brazil
If you hate snakes, then stay away from this Brazilian island. Located off of the mainland, the island is the home to the lethally venomous golden lancehead viper, with venom so toxic that it can cause brain hemorrhaging, kidney failure, and, in some cases, human flesh to melt.
39) The Screaming Tunnel, Niagara Falls, Canada
Found on the Canadian side of the falls, the screaming tunnel runs underneath an old railway line. the story goes that a young girl was hiding here from her drunk and abusive father, who ended up burning her to death in the tunnel, if stories are to be believed. Regardless of the truth, the tunnel is said to be haunted. you can even hear her scream if you listen closely enough.
40) Doppelganger Village, Japan
In the town of Nagoro, Japan, human-sized dolls outnumber the people living there. The reason for this is Tsukimi Ayano who makes the dolls to represent town residents who have passed away or moved on elsewhere. It is an eerie sight as she likes to place them all over the town in a variety of human-like positions.
41) Highgate Cemetery, England
Highgate Cemetery in London, England was opened in 1839 and quickly became to the place to be buried in Victorian London. Today, it is said to harbor not only ghosts and cultists, but a vampire as well, making it a paranormal hot spot that attracts visitors from around the world.
42) Aokigahara Forest, Japan
Known more commonly as the Suicide Forest, Aokigahara Forest sits at the foot of Mount Fuji in Japan. The forest gets its ominous name from the high number of suicides that occur within its confines each year. The problem is so prevalent that searchers are hired occasionally to enter the forest and look for new bodies.
43) Willard Asylum, U.S.A.
Closed since 1995, Willard Asylum in New York, U.S.A. at one time served as an asylum for the chronically insane. Now it sits empty, the only reminder of its former patients an attic full of suitcases stuffed with their personal belongings, including photos of them and their families.
44) Pripyat, Ukraine
The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone is the location of this abandoned town. After the Chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster the town was abandoned due to the high levels of radiation present. Now, with much of the radiation gone, the former city of 50,000 people acts as a tourist destination, with the Ferris wheel at the Pripyat amusement park serving as a symbol of the Chernobyl disaster.
45) Beelitz-Heilstatten Hospital, Germany
Located in Berlin, Germany, Beelitz-Heilstatten Hospital at one time treated Adolf Hitler. Gargantuan in size with 60-buildings, today many of the labyrinthine corridors and rooms sit quiet, attracting the occasional curious visitor.
46) The Door to Hell, Turkmenistan
Found in Derweze, Ahal Province, Turkmenistan this large crater lies in the middle of the Karakum Desert. Originally the site of a scientific drilling platform, scientist struck methane causing the platform to collapse, creating a crater. The scientists decided to light the methane on fire and it has been burning since.
47) Dadipark, Belgium
Located in Antwerp, Belgium, Dadipark was frequented by the locals and visitors for 52 years, until its sudden closure in 2002. Today, all that remains of the former amusement park are the buildings and the simpler attractions, though it is eerie none-the-less.
48) The Overtoun Bridge, Scotland
Located in Scotland, the Overtoun Bridge is the site of many suicides over the years, including humans and animals. The locals blame paranormal activity for the high number of deaths associated with the bridge. in fact, up to 10 to 15 dogs per year jump from the structure to the rocks 60 feet below.
49) Holy Land, U.S.A.
A now defunct religious-themed amusement park in Waterbury, Connecticut, Holy Land was a destination for the pious-minded for decades before being shut down in 1984. for renovations. During that time the owner died and the park was never re-opened again. Now, it only attracts the curious and ghost hunters, who claim it is haunted.
50) Island of the Dolls, Mexico
This island, along the canals of Xochimilco in Mexico is covered in discarded doll parts. Legend has it that the dolls parts were hung by Don Julian Santana Barrera, the island’s caretaker, out of respect after he was unable to save a little girl who drowned in one of the island’s canals. He continued to hang them for 50 years until his death.
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