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50+ Ironic And Hilarious Moments That Was Captured At The Perfect Timing


Some people think that everything happens for a reason but coincidences are what makes our lives more interesting. It can even be ridiculously funny!

Here are rare but equally hilarious moments that perfect timing with the spice of coincidence made. Even if you want to recreate them, it’s never going to happen again.


Here Are 50+ Of The Most Hilariously Ironic Moments Captured At The Perfect Instant:

1) Fake No-Chew Spray

This a no-chew spray. Forumulated to prevent animals from chewing on stuff. They need to make it in a chew-proof bottle.


Source: Life Buzz


2) Mario And Luigi’s

There are so many funny aspects about this picture. The fact that two Italian businesses are right next to each other and called Mario and Luigi. But also that Mario is red, like his character in the video game, and Luigi is green.

Source: tdobson

3) To Or In?

This company provides door to door service. Did they mean to your door or in your door? This looks more like in your door service.

Source: Epic Fail


4) Stubborn Men

This ad suggests that men refuse to go to the doctor to get medical attention. They die as a result. The people who saw the sign refused to believe that.

Source: Life Buzz


5) “Is That Us From The Future?”

Or from the past? It’s like that scene out of “Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey.” These two are starring at their doppelgangers.

Source: a_weepingangel

6) There Are No Shortcuts

“On the road to success, there are no shortcuts.” Or at least that’s what they say. This guy should have taken his own advice.

Source: Life Buzz


7) Socks That Look Like Your Friend

These socks are sold at Urban Outfitters. They look just like this guy. This guy also works at Urban Outfitters where they sell socks that look just like him.

Source: blackemptiness


8) Drink It In

This sign couldn’t be more terribly placed. This dog saw his opportunity. And he took it.

Source: Life Buzz

9) Self Knowledge

This bird is into self knowledge. He landed on a page about his species of bird. And he looks pretty interested in what he’s reading.

Source: Lifee Buzz


10) Grandpa Boyfriend

She didn’t realize she was dating her deceased grandfather. She figured it out when her grandmother, who has Alzheimer’s, kept saying how handsom her boyfriend is. There was a reason for that.

Source: yigit3


11) I’m Not Even Here

This cat is really good at playing hide-and-seek. I mean, really good. The tail almost seems like it’s apart of the painting.

Source: Life Buzz

12) You Have Two Choices

What seems worse? Hell or rehab? It’s a pretty close call so you decide!

Source: FriendlyAlien


13) Tay Tay

This person driving behind them must have been so satisfied seeing this. Taylor Swift is so great her name should be plastered on the side and back of all trucks. She is truly an icon.

Source: Elite Readers


14) When Your Dog Looks Like An Internet Icon

Meet Mozilla Firefox Francois. He’s a dog. But he looks like the Mozilla Firefox icon in this position with his floofly tail.

Source: Life Buzz

15) Sounds About Right

So many things happened for this picture to be perfect. The font is exactly the same. His hat is even the same color as the background.

Source: dudejust


16) A Total Bro-Incidence

Their job doesn’t have a “must wear black and white plaid” dress code. But they all wore the same shirt. They must have a bro-hive mind thing going on.

Source: Life Buzz


17) He Needs Blood

“Can we see some I.D.? Yeah… we can’t help your kind here. You might want to try the butcher.”

Source: crypticaldude


18) Read the Sign

This guy didn’t read the sign. Now the side of his car include a bus. Maybe he didn’t understand the “you” part.

Source: Life Buzz

19) When You Embody The Art

This guy decided to take a trip to the Art Institue of Chicago. He was pretty shocked when he got there. That’s because he found out that he was the art.

Source: Life Buzz


20) Camouflage Shoes

Can you see them? These are black and white polka dot flip flops. But you can barely see them against this background.

Source: TWrox


21) Rock Star Eating Ice Cream

Gene Simmons is famous for his super long tongue. And most of the time it just hangs out of his mouth. At least that tongue is being useful and eating a nice ice cream cone.

Source: Robertino_Loreti

22) Goodwill Huntingon

What are the chances that these two businesses would be next to each other?! Goodwill and Huntington. Like the movie “Good Will Hunting.”

Source: Life Buzz


23) Get An Editor

Was this done on purpose? Either that or this paper needs a new editor. There is NO way someone didn’t notice this before it went to print.

Source: sexyvinilaphreshness


24) The End

What are the chances that these two cars would park next to each other? This is THE END. Maybe these neighbors are fans of The Doors.

Source: imgur

25) Les Shining

This is the most unique rendition of Les Misérables that I’ve ever seen. I mean, to cast Jack Nicholson. That is just brilliant.

Source: whathaveyoudone22


26) Czec Hairlines

Again… here we have primo placement. This was taken on Czech Airlines. Or is it Czec Hairlines?

Source: cleandean


27) Alien Abduction Crossing

What the hell is this sign supposed to be telling us? What is the upper triangle all about? I’m pretty sure this is a sign for alien abduction crossing.

Source: forowned


28) The Power of Cat Compells You

Why would someone put that ad up? Looks like someone with four legs is trying to show off. They say that Jesus saves… does this mean that kitty does too? We’re confused.

Source: Flickr/Cienfora Company


29) The Racist Children’s Book

Wow, this has to be the worst name placement of all time. Tough break. Now everyone thinks this is a racist children’s book.

Source: imgur

30) Someone Had An Accident

This person looks like she had an accident. And according to her it’s “Mmm… Fabulous!” Wash your bus man.

Source: vtcapsfan


31) VD Buddies

Having the last name “Semen” could be rough. Especially when you’re a kid. But he should know better than to stand next to this guy.

Source: AFeast


32) Terrible Advice

Umm… yeah, this is terrible advice. No matter where or what the circumstances are… this is bad advice. But it’s especially bad advice in a glass encasement.

Source: imgur

33) Your Post-Workout Power Move

This post-workout power moves looks like you’re drinking so that you’ll take a huge dump. The look on this lady’s face isn’t helping. For her, it’s a shameless health trick.

Source: Elite Readers


34) Mixed Messages

So, be healthy and avoid diabetes. But also eat McDonald’s. Way to send mixed messages.

Source: Robmark

35) Grab That Door Handle

I would feel super uncomfortable grabbing this car door handle. It looks like you’re grabbing his junk. Not cool.

Source: Bored Panda


36) When You Are The Ad

Did this guy just buy the outfit off of the mannequin? Because he looks like he did. The person who posted it claims it was a coincidence.

Source: imgur


37) When Mother Nature Has A Sense Of Humor

There was a terrible flood. But one person found some humor in the situation. The fact that this ad with a woman on her surfboard actually looks like she’s surfing.

Source: Bored Panda

38) Got A Giant Thirst?

A giant thirst for butt? What is this add trying to accomplish? If only they were put on the opposite sides.

Source: f03vral0n3


39) So What Is It That You Do For A Living?

A what shaver? I’m surprised their coach lets them sit next to each other. This is just too much.

Source: realjknoxville


40) Twilight Zone Lot

Is this parking lot located in The Twilight Zone? It seems like it. This woman came back from getting coffee to find this.

Source: ngalfano13


41) Cooookies!

These two dudes at the bar top have no idea how perfectly positioned they are. Little do they know, their two shirts combined maked out “Cookie Monster” and we love it.

Source: Imgur

42) Not really, though

Looks like “We Fit” doesn’t quite…fit. It also looks like the driver didn’t double check their clearance before attempting to take it under this 15’3″ bridge that’s clearly marked.

Source: Imgur


43) Baby’s had a rough day

The signage on this one wasn’t really thought through. Or maybe it’s the placement of the products? Although we do agree that parents should be able to grab diapers and cabernet all in the same aisle.

Source: Reddit


44) So close, yet so far

When your lotto numbers are off by one digit on every single one, you’d have to think that the universe is playing a cruel joke on you. It’s like in some other dimension, you won – just not this one.

Source: Bored Panda

45) Funny little hat

This movie poster ended up with some interesting placement when they chose these display boards. It looks like the actor is wearing a funny little hat in each one.

Source: Twitter


46) Touché

You’ve got The Property Shop right next door to The Proper Tea Shop and it’s one of the best things we’ve ever seen. Clearly they worked together on this one and we don’t know which was there first, but it’s great.

Source: Reddit


47) Pretty simple really

They’re telling you like it is when you only see half of the door, “If we can’t, we won’t.” Sounds pretty simple and straightforward to us. What’s funny is that this mishap probably did not cross their mind at all when they designed the placement.

Source: Reddit

48) Subway promoting the competitors

This funny placement makes it look like Subway is encouraging people to eat at their neighboring competitors. By the looks of the crowd on the patio, we’d have to say it’s working.

Source: Imgur


49) Surprise!

Oh, hello! This peeling billboard makes it look like a little kitty is coming right out of this woman’s crotch area. The funny placement makes it impossible not to chuckle.

Source: Reddit


50) Are you trying to tell us something, Old Navy?

Did Old Navy intentionally want to send a not-so-subliminal message that spells out “SCAM” with their winter gloves? Or, it’s just a unfortunate accident.

Source: Imgur

51) Wow, Yanni

This hilariously perfect CD player puts Yanni right above a Ween album with a woman showing some serious underboob on the cover. It makes Yanni look quite a bit…different.

Source: Bored Panda


52) Unfortunate

Here is another unfortunate placement. Danielle Smith’s photo was placed directly above the double wheels of this bus right where her breasts would be. Out of all the places? Really?

Source: Reddit


53) Oh no

The red flowers on this woman’s dress have some absolutely terrible placement. It really makes it appear as if this woman had an accident and is walking around without knowing about it. Maybe someone should tell her?

Source: Imgur

54) Coincidence?

The bookshelves in this library were just long enough to make through the letters M-S on this one. And the main topics? Marriage and slavery. Isn’t that a funny coincidence.

Source: Imgur


55) Men with nylons

No one thought that this ad placement looked a little…funny? Somehow this left the printer without anyone noticing that it looks like the four male models are wearing black pantyhose.

Source: Imgur