Some people really love to cook, but others, not so much.
Unless you can afford a chef or order takeout every night. But most people have to head to the grocery store each week and turn their purchases into something edible. We’d often like to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible.
Cooking can be a lot less laborious and time-consuming. But you need to know a few tricks. We search the internet to find the best cooking hacks there are.
Here Are 55 Time-Saving Cooking Hacks To Make Cooking Super Convenient:
1) Keep Your Phone Clean
Want to keep your phone clean while you cook? Cover it in plastic wrap. This way you’ll be able to touch it while your hands are dirty without getting it nasty. Just pull the plastic wrap off and toss it out when you’re done.

2) Preserve Extra Herbs
Do you have some leftover fresh herbs? You can preserve them by placing them inside an ice cube tray. Pour some butter or olive oil over them and freeze them. Take out of the freezer and pop them in a pan when you’re ready to use them.

3) Gummy Bear Soda Popsicles
Stop buying popsicles and make super cool ones at home. Fill a popsicle tray with gummy bears and pour in some lemon-lime or grape soda. Freeze them and you’ll get the coolest looking ice pops ever.

4) Keep Spaghetti Fresh
Want to keep your leftover spaghetti super fresh once you open the box? Store it in an empty Pringles can. It will also prevent the box from spilling everywhere.

5) Easy Peel Hard Boiled Egg
Fill a glass container with some water and drop in your hard-boiled egg. Place the cap on and shake the bottle so that the egg bangs up against the sides of the glass. The eggshell should slide right off when you take it out.

6) Perfect Pasta Portion
Don’t want to overeat pasta? Boil as much dry pasta as you can fit through the top of standard water or soda bottle. This creates the perfection portion of pasta for one.

7) DIY Sorbet
Pour the juice into a ziplock bag and seal. Place flat inside another larger ziplock bag. Fill with ice and sprinkle salt on it and seal. Cover with a towel and shake the bag around a bit. When you’re done, you’ll have sorbet in the original bag. Get details here.

8) Seal a Bag
Need to seal a plastic pouch. Place your items inside the bag. Heat up the blade of a kitchen knife with a lighter. Slice the top of the bag with the knife. The bag will be sealed where you cut it.

9) Easy Access Popcorn Bag
Gain easy access to your popcorn bag by opening it a little differently. Lay the bag flat and cut a hole into the side of the bag. It will be much easier to eat this way.

10) Remove A Piece of Egg Shell
Trying to fish out that piece of eggshell from your mixing bowl? Dip your finger in water before you fish it out. It will attract the shell. You can also use the broken half of an eggshell.

11) Prevent Batter Splatter
Create a DIY splash guard with a paper plate. Force your beaters through a paper plate giving them enough space to rotate within the hole. Attached the beaters and use the plate to cover whatever you’re mixing.

12) DIY Pour Spout Container
Want to create a pour spout container? Place your ingredients or food into a plastic bag with an opened top. Cut the top of a soda or water bottle off and pull the bag from the bottom through the top. Pull the plastic over the sides of the bottle top and twist the cap on over the plastic.

13) Roll to Peel Hard Boiled Eggs
Here’s another way to easily peel a hard-boiled egg. Roll it back and forth on a hard surface. It should easily slide off.

14) Easy Potato Chips
Slice your potatoes thin and lay them on a plate with a thin layer of oil. Sprinkle lightly with salt, pepper, and seasonings. Microwave for about 5 minutes. You may want to flip them over halfway through in the microwave.

15) Keep a Lemon Fresh
Need some lemon juice but don’t want the rest of the lemon you’re not using to go bad? Roll a lemon on a hard surface to juice the middle. Place a skewer from the top of the lemon through the middle. If you squeeze the lemon juice will squirt out of the hole. This way the unused lemon will stay fresher longer.

16) DIY Squeeze Bottle
Use a flame to heat the top of a soda cap so that it becomes pliable. Push a skewer it the cap so a little nub is formed. Snip off the top of the nub. Fill your bottle and close the cap. Squeeze the bottle so that whatever is inside neatly squirts out of the top of the nub.

17) Easily Slice Cherry Tomatoes
Place cherry tomatoes on an upside-down plate. Put another plate right side up on top. Slice in between the two plates to slice the tomatoes.

18) How To Dip An Oreo
You’ve been dipping your Oreos in milk wrong your whole life. Stick a fork in between the creme and dunk. This way you won’t soak your fingers in milk.

19) How To Slice a Tomato
You’ve also been slicing tomatoes wrong. Stick a fork in your tomato. Slice in between your fork prongs. There’s also a special tool you can buy that essentially does the same thing.

20) Prevent Ice Pop Drips
Cut off the bottom of a paper cup. Make a slice through the bottom. Put your popsicle stick through the hole and let the cup catch drips. This also works with to-go coffee lids and cupcake liners.

21) Wine Ice Cubes
Don’t water down your wine or sangria with ice cubes. Use leftover wine to make ice cubes. Just pour leftover wine into an ice tray and freeze.

22) Easy Make Yogurt Pops
Poke a hole in the top of an individual yogurt and stick a spoon or stick in it. Put in the freezer. When it’s done just remove the rest of the plastic lid and pull your pop out.

23) Open Sugar Packets the Right Way
Stop ripping off the ends of sugar packets. You’re supposed to break the packet in half. This way all of the sugar will end up in your cup.

24) Don’t Get Burned Buy Hot Peppers
Ever chop a hot pepper then accidentally touch your eye or lip. It’s not fun. Protect your self by covering your hand in a plastic bag when you chop.

25) Make A Chip Bowl
Want easy access to your bag of chips? Make a chip bowl. Just scrunch the bottom of your bag inward and pull the sides down.

26) The Belt BLT
Want bacon in every bite of your BLT? Weave your bacon like a basket while it’s raw. When it’s done cooking you can plop it right on your sandwich.

27) How to Eat a Pomegranate
Make a circular cut around the top of your pomegranate and peel the skin off. Then make five slices in the bottom of the pomegranate and peel it apart. Pull the top piece out and enjoy.

28) How To Open A Stubborn Pistachio
Do you have pistachio that isn’t open around the edges? Use another pistachio to pry it open. Whatever you do, don’t use your teeth!

29) The Best Way To Chop A Pepper
Slice off the top. Cut a ring around the inside of the pepper and pull out the ring. Slice horizontal into rings.

30) How to Peel A Prawn
First, pull the head off. Then crack and wiggle at the third section from the bottom. Pull the tail to slide the skin out and let the rest of the skin fall away.

31) How To De-Skin A Kiwi
Slice your kiwi in half. Press the kiwi down on a drinking glass so that skin and the fruit and skin gets separated by the glass. The fruit should pop off into the glass.

32) Easy Peel a Potato
Make a shallow slice into the skin of your potato around its middle. Boil your potato. Take it out and place in cold water. The skin should slide right off.

33) How To Pit a Cherry
Hold a cherry over the top of a soda bottle. Remove the pit. Shove a chopstick through the cherry until the pitfalls out of the bottom and into the soda bottle.

34) Fried Frozen Eggs
Take a frozen egg and place it in a warm bowl of water. Crack the egg against something so the skin peels away. Cut the end into slices and toss those slices onto your frying pan.

35) Make Egg Art
Separate a bunch egg whites and yolks. Mix them up and place into separate squeeze bottles. Make a design with one bottle and fill in the holes with the other so you have a two-toned edible creation.

36) Add Protein To Your Ramen
Drop a raw egg into the boiling water as you cook Ramen. Whisk the egg into your broth. The egg will cook in the water and add some nice protein to your dish.

37) Egg Bacon Rice Ball
Soft boil an egg and peel away a shell. Roll your egg in flour. Place rice on some plastic wrap and pack it down so its firm. Make sure you have enough rice to cover your egg. Place your egg in the middle and wrap the plastic wrap around the egg and pack the rice around the egg. Wrap your it in bacon and fry in a pan.

38) Olive Eggs
Add egg whites to a bowl and drop in some olives. Blend it all together. Now you have some black olive scrambled eggs.

39) Pop A Wine Cork
Hold your wine bottle upright and away from your face. Place a bottle against your bottle just below the cork. The heat will make the cork pop on its own.

40) Make Egg Salad Fast
Place several hard-boiled eggs underneath a wire rack. Press down on the rack so that the eggs push through the rack. Transfer the chopped eggs into a bowl to made eggs salad.

41) Wash Salad In A Fruit Bag Net
Pour lettuce in a fruit bag net. Soak the net in the water. Shake it out to try and enjoy your clean salad.

42) Don’t Water Down Ice Coffee
No one likes to drink watered down ice coffee. Pour some coffee into an ice cube tray. Freeze your ice cubes and use them in your ice coffee instead of regular ice cubes.

43) Keep Avocado Halves From Going Bad
Only using half of an avocado. Rub some oil on the half your not going to use and place in an airtight container. This will keep it from going bad by the next day.

44) You’re Storing Eggs Wrong
You’ve been storing your eggs wrong. They should be stored upside down with the narrow end facing downward. This will keep them fresher longer.

45) Remove the Stinky Fish Smell
Did you eat or prepare a nice seafood dinner? Do you now stink like fish? Rub toothpaste all over your hands for a minute or so then rinse to get rid of the smell completely.

46) Soften Hard Bread
Wet the bread with water. Place the bread in the toaster oven. The heat will soak up the water but make your bread moist enough to eat again.

47) Store Chives
Got some leftover chives? Chop them up and store in an empty soda bottle or jar. Pop the bottle in the freezer. When you’re ready to use them just pour out of your bottle.

48) Make Chocolate Curls
Want to get fancy and make chocolate curls? Shave some chocolate with a vegetable peeler. It works perfectly.

49) Healthy Ice Cream
Toss some bananas in the freezer. Take it out and mush it up. It has the same consistency as ice cream.

50) Keep Baked Treats Moist
Baked goods can easily try out. Place them in an airtight container with some apple slices. The moisture in the apple will help keep your baked goodies moist.

51) Keep Fish in One Piece
Fish can break up when you place it on the grill. You can prevent this by cooking your fish on top of some lemon slices. It will flavor your fish and keep your fish together.

52) Cool Drinks Quick
Need to warm some bottles or cans quick. Wrap them in wet paper towels and toss in the fridge for a few minutes. It will chill them in no time.

53) The Perfect Hash Browns
Want to make the perfect hash browns. Shred potatoes and toss them in a waffle maker. It will make them nice and crisp.

54) Make A Chocolate Bowl
Blow up a balloon. Dip it in some melted chocolate. Pop your balloon when the chocolate hardens to create a chocolate bowl.

55) Prevent Ice Cream Freezer Burn
If you toss an ice cream container into the freezer it could become freezer burned. It can also be too hard to scoop. Place it in a ziplock bag to keep it at the right temperature.

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