Don’t be so sad that you’ve haven’t known this earlier because it’s going to be a part of your life from this moment!
1. A microfiber cloth to remove every single trace of dirt and makeup (even waterproof formulas!) with just water. And the cloths are super soft, so you won’t have to resort to harsh scrubbing that can dry out your face.
Promising review: “This thing is serious magic. if you’re familiar with LipSense products, you know they don’t leave your face unless you want them to. The lip color and liner especially are like spackle, which I LOVE!! They never budge!! This cloth removes ALL OF IT. From basic easy off makeup all the way up to the industrial strength should-pay-rent-on-your-face stuff — WITH JUST WATER. I was skeptical but I’m a believer. scrubbing is NOT abrasive, and I’m no longer using harsh products to remove my face!!” —Amber Liz
Get it from Amazon for $20 (available in pink, purple, light blue, white, navy, turquoise, and red).
Aaaand by the way, this won best mid-price makeup remover on BuzzFeed Reviews.
2. A dozen Bottle Bright tablets that’ll deep clean your thermoses and on-the-go bottles — no scrubbing required. These’ll get into all those hard-to-reach spaces and remove *all* the gunk.
Promising review: “I seriously can’t believe how well these little tablets work. I had the most disgusting HydroFlask coffee mug — I tried everything. Bottle brush, different kinds of soap, vinegar, EVERYTHING, and there was still a seemingly impenetrable layer of black sludge inside. It grossed me out so much that I bought ANOTHER HydroFlask to replace it. Now eventually they both got black inside, so I tried these little magic tablets. I let a tablet sit in each of my mugs for an hour or two, and the black sludge rinsed out COMPLETELY, without even scrubbing. They look brand new. What a magical product. No weird smell or taste afterward, either. I liked it so much I used it on another HydroFlask I use primarily to hold my Bloody Mary mix in the fridge. I couldn’t put anything else in it because it would always taste like spicy tomato juice. Bottle Bright to the rescue! No residual smell or taste anymore. AMAZING AMAZING AMAZING.” —Amazon Customer
Get a pack of 12 from Amazon for $7.99.
3. A spider and insect catcher that keeps pests in its clutches without smushing them so you can bring them outside where they belong.
Promising review: “I was skeptical when I ordered this, but I have a husband who makes bug splats on my walls and I needed something to stop that. This thing actually works!! I have always been a catch and release person when it comes to indoor bugs but this makes it so much easier. I love it.” —Island Gal
Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in five colors).
4. An elegant wine decanter to aerate your cheap-ass wine and make it taste like the fancy stuff. Just press it on top of your wine bottle and turn both upside down to watch the magic happen.
Promising review: “This was a X-mas present for my sister, and she loved it. We were a little hesitant about the claims that it made wine taste better. So we opened up a bottle of red wine tasted it first. It was pretty bad. We proceeded to pour the wine into this baby then tried that same wine again. All four of us that tried it where so surprised at the stark difference from before and after. This is a must have it can turn even a cheap wine into a decent one.” —Amazon Customer
Get it from Amazon for $49.92.
5. A neck pillow you can twist into several different positions so you can get actual rest while traveling — without your head bobbing up and down.
Promising review: “Have wanted a travel pillow forever! Took a chance on this. Oh my gosh it’s amazing! It forms to my neck and no matter which way I turn my head, I can fall asleep instantly. This is so much better than standard travel pillows. One of my best Amazon purchases to date!” —Lauren Grubb
Get it from Amazon for $29.97 (available in five colors and in a children’s size).
6. A microwave s’mores maker that makes the perfect toasted marshmallow treat without the hassle of a fire. Campfire who?
Just fill the water reservoir, stack your s’mores, and heat for 30 seconds. And the whole thing is dishwasher safe!
Promising review: “I ordered this for my three kids. We love roasting s’mores on a campfire but do not get to do that too often. When I saw the low Amazon price, I had my doubts. It was just as easy as promised. It took only 30 seconds to cook the marshmallows evenly and perfectly. I could not recommend this enough. We use ours very regularly. I have already bought three more as Christmas gifts. Wonderful, simple, inexpensive. What more could you ask for? Go get your own!!” —Laura LaHood Christopher
Get it from Amazon for $11.48.
7. A sanitizer to kill 99.9% of germs on the toilet seat that is your phone. It fits almost all phone sizes (including the new iPhone X), demolishes bacteria with UV rays, AND charges your device at the same time.
Promising review: “Bought this along with a set of agar plates to test it for ourselves. We swabbed my daughter’s and husband’s phones before and after use. It does work. We are very happy with the product.” —Ginger
Get it from Amazon for $59.95 (available in nine colors).
8. Sweat-resistant silicone grips that’ll keep your earbuds or airpods in your ears during even the most intense workouts.
Promising review: “I LOVE THIS PRODUCT! I’ve always had a hard time keeping these crazy little earbuds in my ears, so when I head out to the gym, or anywhere that I want to listen to my playlists, I have to use my big earphones. With these EarHoox, that is no longer a problem! I would recommend them to ANYONE who works out, runs, walks, or just has a general problem with earbuds (such a strange word…ear buds).” —Green Day Lover
Get two pairs (one small and one large) from Amazon for $9.99 (available in three colors).
9. Suguru, a self-setting rubber with the power to fix just about anything from dishwashers to iPhone cords.
You can fix fraying wires, hang pictures (without a nail), create ergonomic grips on tools, and soooooo much more.
It sets strong because it turns into silicone rubber, permanently bonding to almost any surface. It’s waterproof (use it to secure a shower caddy!), heat- and cold-resistant (use it to insulate a pot handle!), and electricity-insulating (fix those constantly fraying smartphone cords!).
Promising review: “My Macbook Pro charger wire was starting to break so I got some Sugru to mend the damage. Absolutely incredible product that saved me like $70 to get a new charger. The only downside is each package is not resealable. Luckily I also had an iPhone cable and Apple earphones to reinforce. So basically, Apple, get your s*** together and pack some Sugru with your products.” —Leesankwok
Get an eight-pack from Amazon for $19.99 (available in seven sets of colors).
10. A Migrastil roll-on stick to help evaporate your migraine or tension headache within minutes. Just apply the blend of essential oils (including lavender, spearmint, and peppermint) onto your temples, forehead, and the back of your neck — and POOF! Relief is here.
BuzzFeed / Katy Herman
Promising review: “Years ago a massage therapist I went to used a cream at my temples that helped greatly with headaches & nausea. I have tried to find that scent for years. THIS IS IT!! I use it daily on my temples & the back of neck just below my hairline. It helps 100% with the nausea I suffer from meds I take. Many of my headaches I can prevent from going to a migraine by applying again at start of headache. I take so many meds because of autoimmune disease’s that I like not having to pop another pill for my headaches. I am the most skeptical person you will find when it comes to homeopathic or oils etc., but this works!!” —DVS
Get it from Amazon for $10.99.
Check out a BuzzFeeder’s review to learn more about why she loves this!
11. A six-inch personal heater that’ll get the job done for anyone who’s always cold. *cough, office that’s air conditioned all winter, cough*
Promising review: “This mini heater is perfect for keeping my desk warm without tripping any breakers. It’s super portable, cute, and can fit back in my desk drawer for storage between cold months. My co-worker’s giant metal heater can’t claim that!” —Dan
Get it from Amazon for $21.99+ (available in four colors).
12. A pack of Avarelle pimple patches formulated with tea tree oil and calendula oil (to heal and shrink zits faster overnight). And they come in four(!) sizes — small, medium, and large circles PLUS large, square patches so you can easily treat and shrink clusters of pimples all at once.
A lot of reviewers who have also tried Cosrx and Nexcare patches prefer these!
Promising review: “I’ve tried so many brands of pimple spots, and these are hands-down the best on the market. I’m a performer at Walt Disney World, and a clear complexion is required. Last night, I put these on a few acne problems (a small cyst, a Whitehead, and a pimple I shouldn’t have picked and has been a bump for about three weeks now.) I just woke up and am writing this review in disbelief. THEY’RE FLAT! Gone! All of them! I could cry I’m so happy. The packaging is also ideal, because it allows you to conveniently and easily peel the stickers off without stretching them out or folding them back on themselves. Do yourself and your complexion a huge favor! Have these on hand for a stubborn zit when you really need help. Make sure you apply them to completely clean and dry skin.” —Caitlyn
Get the box of 36 round patches plus 4 large patches from Amazon for $8.50.
13. A pair of produce-saving containers that’ll regulate the flow or oxygen and carbon dioxide, keeping fruit, veggies, and greens fresh for 80% longer… and saving you money.
The vents regulate the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide and keeps moisture away so your strawberries taste freshly-picked days and days and days later. I recently got a couple of these and a bunch of basil and strawberries stayed fresh for SO LONG!!
Get them from Amazon for $6.29+ each (available in six sizes and in sets of multiples).
Promising review: “I read the reviews and thought I’d give these a try since they here easily half the price of the other ones I looked at that had to have the charcoal filters replaced periodically. These need no filter changes and oh-my-gosh, they work! I went on a 10 day trip to visit my mom and left my husband home with asparagus, strawberries, and spinach in the containers. He ate some of all of them, but there was plenty left when I got back and they were in perfect condition! I couldn’t believe it! These will save us a lot of money not throwing away food because we couldn’t get through it fast enough. (We shop at Costco and get large containers of produce.) These are TOTALLY worth getting and I will be getting a few more sizes. Excellent product!!!” —Elizabeth Walter
Check out our full review of these game-changing containers!
14. Grooming gloves designed with nodules on the fingers and palms to make brushing the excess hair from your cat, dog, or even horse more like petting.
Promising review: “I love these gloves. I have three German shepherds that shed constantly and they do not sit still very well, but with these gloves they feel as if they are being petted and don’t mind at all. These gloves easily pick up the loose hair and leave my dogs sleek and shiny. Also it is very easy to just shake the hair off the gloves. You don’t have to dig the hair out of the grooves like you do with some brushes. I am so happy to have found these.” —Margie
Get them from Amazon for $24.99 (available in sizes junior and S–XL).
15. A red wine stain remover that’ll turn any party foul into an amazing party trick.
It’s non-toxic and bleach free — working at the ~molecular~ level to break up stains for easy removal. I love science, don’t you?
Promising review: “It did pass my first test! I did not expect to use this product a couple of days after I received it. Had a spill of red over one of my favorite shirts. I did try to remove the most dramatic area with water and soap right away; then I let this product sink in for half hour before washing and voilà it was all gone!” —Gerson Melgar
Get it from Amazon for $7.95.
16. An easy-to-use jewelry cleaning brush for polishing up your brand new or decades-old precious stones and keep them as sparkling as your love still is (awww!).
It’s filled with a cleansing + polishing solution to rid stones of clouding dirt and oil and ensure every facet shines. Just twist the bottom of the pen to dispense the fluid and brush on!
Promising review: “Don’t get me wrong — my wedding ring was gorgeous before. It did sparkle and still made me smile every day. However…after using this..*oh my goodness*! After one use of the Diamond Dazzle ring is absolutely breathtaking! I knew my ring got dirty now and then, simply from sweating and being outside in the elements. However, I never realized just how much dinge and schmutz marred my beautiful diamond until I cleaned it. It literally took my breath away with its fiery, dazzling brilliance! My wedding ring is something that always makes my heart beat a little faster: for its beauty, for what it represents…and now, my smile is even bigger and my heart skips a beat a little more as I gaze upon this amazing clarity. It is an amazing value with mind-blowing, beautiful results!” —liltreeclimber
Get it from Amazon for $5.49.
17. A pair of wine glasses with markings so you can play a full A-major scale just by running your finger around the rim.
Promising review: “It really does play individual notes, on correct pitches. It was fun to play around with. If you’re a dorky musician (like me), this is definitely a fun way to enjoy music and wine!” —Gabe
Get a set of two from Uncommon Goods for $68.
18. A set of five bamboo charcoal air fresheners you can stick in sneakers, gym bags, closets, cars, and any other place with a stink you need to banish ASAP.
They’re reusable for two years — whenever they seem to stop absorbing odors, just recharge them in the sunlight.
Promising review: “It actually works! I will be honest — I was VERY skeptical, but these are AWESOME! I have them by my cat box and with several cats you can’t smell a thing! I was shocked! The others are in kids rooms, car & by the dog kennel — no unpleasant smells anywhere. Highly recommended!” —Kayla Gibson
Get a pack of five from Amazon for $19.99.
19. A jar of cult-status Aztec Secret’s Healing Clay mask that’ll deep clean your pores, ~pulsating~ as it works its magic and banishes the toughest acne.
It has over 3,600 five-star reviews!
Promising review: “Wow. Just wow. I had no expectations for this product since I’ve been dealing with cystic acne since I was a teenager (I’m 24 now), so I went into this purchase not expecting much. I have very sensitive, reactive skin and have never seen any real improvement. After reading all the crazy reviews about this product I figured I would give it a try, again, not expecting much. However, I have been blown away by the long-term results of using this mask. I mix it with apple cider vinegar and apply it several times a week when my skin is really bad, and it has never done anything negative to my skin – no irritation, no dryness, nothing. It always destroys every single pimple that emerges. It does bring underlying pimples to a head, and that can be a little disturbing at first, but it is so worth it for the end result. I was considering taking Accutane, a very strong and dangerous medicine, to finally cure my acne for good, and this product has made me completely reconsider.” —Heather E.
Get it from Amazon for $14.95.
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20. An ergonomically-designed detangling brush with cone-shaped bristles that separate tangles by pulling them apart sideways, not tugging them down. It’s a miracle worker for everything from thick, coily hair to the finest strands!
Promising review: “I always skeptical of products that claim to ‘glide through,’ but this brush actually works! I have very thick kinky coily hair and this brush passes through my hair easily both wet and dry. I’d recommend this product to anyone looking for a good detangling brush. And yes, I’m leaving my Denman brush for this one.” —Amazon Customer
Get it from Amazon for $10.77 (also available in black, purple, and green.
21. A HyperChiller iced beverage maker that’ll cool hot drinks by up to 130° in 60 seconds with zero dilution. So you can brew hot coffee, and then sixty seconds later, have a perfect iced drink ready to go!
You can use it for anything from wine to tea to scotch, too!
Promising review: “I took a look at this product, did some research and was skeptical. How could a coffee (beverage) chiller be worth over $30 dollars? Was it possible that this product was so revolutionary when I’ve been making iced coffee with two ingredients for decades? The answer is very simple: this product delivers. Simple to use. Easy to clean. It allows the novice, home barista to make a quality, undiluted cup of iced coffee. Brew your coffee using your preferred method; pour the coffee in the previously frozen HyperChiller; wait a minute or two; add whatever accompaniments your heart desires; enjoy the best damned cup of iced coffee you will ever experience from the comfort of your home.” —Chuck Ghoulie
Get it from Amazon for $29.99.
22. A seven-in-one Instant Pot you’ve probably heard a lot about — for a good reason. Or rather a good seven reasons: It slow cooks, pressure cooks, makes rice, sautés, makes yogurt, and keeps food warm. Bye bye other appliances!
Promising review: “I cannot believe how amazing this product is, I’ve been writing all over FB about it and encouraged get my friends to invest in one. We live in a small apartment that heats up quick with use of the oven, this baby saves us energy on and time! I cooked a pretty good size roast in about 45 minutes. Which would usually take 4-5 hours in the oven?. Yeah I’m in love. I really didn’t think it was possibly for this machine to be as great as it claims, but it really is! It’s WORTH IT. Don’t hesitate, take the step forward this awesome investment.” —Amanda D.
Get a three-quart size from Amazon for $50.99 (also available in six-quart and eight-quart sizes).
23. A Tubshroom, a game-changing drain strainer to catch every single strand of shed hair and make clogged showers a thing of the past.
Promising review: “Can’t say enough good things about this product. I have a family of four and would frequently have to snake our shower drain, it appears I won’t be having that problem ever again. I even give my dog baths and this collects the hair. It does not seem to slow down the flow of water down the drain significantly. I’m very impressed having been using around a month. You don’t know how much hair you wash down your drain until you use this!” —Aaron Morlock
Get it from Amazon for $12.99 (available in six colors).
Check out a BuzzFeeder’s Tubshroom review for all the deets (and more ~hair raising~ pics).
24. A wine saver that’ll remove the air from your open bottle of wine, then seal it with a stopper, so you can enjoy the rest of it later — and it’ll still taste fresh!
Promising review: “This seals my wine bottle like no other, first you put the rubber cork in your bottle, then you use the pump to pump it! The pump causes an air tight seal…and your wine will taste excellent when you are ready for more!” –Kelly Fleming
Get a vacuum sealer, plus two stoppers from Amazon for $11.99 (also available in different multipacks and colors).
25. A drain snake with over 4,000 micro hooks and a slim design to shimmy down any drain (you don’t even need to remove the cover) and snag all the hairs and goop that’s clogging the system — in one quick pull.
I’ve used this myself on a clogged sink AND shower drain and let me tell you — it truly works.
Get it from Amazon for $5.28.
Promising review: “I bought one of these because of the reviews and I thought, with six kids I know we have slow drains. So I break it out on a Saturday night and started with my bathroom sink. OH MY GOSH! Disgustingly amazing. In two seconds I pulled out a massive hair/soap clog. It was truly amazing and so gross! I went to work on the other bathroom drains and they weren’t nearly as amazing or as quick but I pulled a bunch of dried hair out of the kids’ tub. So after five drains, I had my fun. I’ve spent a small fortune on Drano type products that never seem to work. I won’t buy them again. I was even so amazed I shared the nasty pic on Facebook and didn’t think twice about somebody judging me. Get this. Be prepared to throw it away as you’re not going to want to clean it.” —Jennifer R. Little
Check out more gross before and after pictures in Hundreds Of People Love This Drain Snake, And The After Photos Have Me Gagging.
26. A John Frieda hot air brush so you can perfect a sleek *and* voluminous blowout in no time ~flat~ — without juggling a round brush in one hand and a heavy blow drier in the other.
Promising review: “OMG this is the BEST HAIR TOOL for haircut with layers!! When I tried to style it at home with a regular blow dryer and round brush I couldn’t do it like the my hairstylist — it came out flat and straight. Then I came across this AMAZING brush. I am SOOOOO GLAD I tried it. This product is truly everything!!! It is LIGHTWEIGHT, which makes it very easy to hold, the heat temperature on high is perfect (first i thought it wasn’t hot enough, but it’s perfect to style hair without causing heat damage), the bristles are soft, hair slides through, does not pull on hair, no breakage at all. The feature that I LOVE is that it has a cool setting to let curls cool down before releasing them (NO NEED TO USE HOT ROLLERS). This hot air brush is so great that I had to purchase one for mom as soon as I was done using it. Cannot say enough good things!” —FashionChic
To say I love this brush would be an understatement. Check out my full review of the John Frieda hot air brush for all the ~hairy details~.
Get the 1.5-inch brush from Amazon for $39.60 (also available in a one-inch brush).
27. An odor-eliminating candle that’ll truly knock out the worst pet stinks and leaving your home smelling ahhh-mazing.
They’re made with soy wax that burns for up to 70 hours, plus the scents are allergy friendly!
Promising review: “This smells so great. I recently rescued a dog. I love him, but not how he makes my house smell. This really does kill the odor long after you extinguish it. I can’t wait to try more scents. I even bought the Pet House car fresheners.” —Claws0617
Get it from Amazon for $21.95 (available in 17 scents).
Check out a BuzzFeeder’s review for all the stinky deets!
28. Instyler’s Glossier straightening brush, a tourmaline ceramic tool that’ll smooth and sleek-ify even the curliest hair in no time flat — without *making* it flat.
Promising review: “This brush really does the job and is a better alternative for flat irons( for me personally). It took me just 20 minutes to straighten my hair instead of one hour with a traditional straightener. Love the result!” —Amazon Customer
Get it from Amazon for $59.99.
I happen to L O V E this tool myself! Check out my full review (#2)!
29. A trio of creaseless hair ties (yes, they totally look like old phone cords) so you can rock a ponytail all day and wear your hair down all night – no dents!, BuzzFeed
Promising review: “These are awesome!!! Just like they say there is NO CREASE from ponytails, etc.! I don’t think they damage my hair either since they are made with slippery rubber/plastic.” —Cheeriopunk
Get a set of three black ones from Amazon for $8.49+. Check out all the colors available here.
Check out a BuzzFeeder’s review of them here (#1)!
30. A ~Fasta Pasta~ cooker to make perfectly al dente pasta right in the microwave — no waiting for the pot to boil. Plus, the lid doubles as a strainer, so you really won’t dirty any extra dishes!
Promising review: “I don’t want to get all gushy over a pasta maker, but man…I really love this gizmo! I try to limit my monthly food expenditures and the Fasta Pasta helps me work in at least one inexpensive pasta meal every week. If not more. First of all, I like spaghetti — either with normal Prego-type sauce or sometimes just with butter and Romano cheese sprinkled on. But I’m lazy and impatient and don’t like things that take a long time to make, with a bunch of steps, and a big clean up afterwards. The Fasta Pasta is perfect for me. I get the exact amount of correctly-measured spaghetti; it’s faster than boiling water in a big pot then having to watch and stir the pasta; the pasta comes out perfectly cooked every time; and the cleanup is a snap. No big pot; no colander; no spaghetti fork to lift out the pasta. Just the easy to clean Fasta Pasta, and a pot to heat up the sauce. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!” —Smilin Sam
Get it from Amazon for $13.77.
31. A Floo-like powder that’ll add mind-blowing color to your indoor fireplace or outdoor fire pit.
Promising review: “These little packs are so awesome! Love to use when we have bonfires, creates some very beautiful colored flames. So easy to use, just toss the whole pack into the fire and sit back and be amazed!” —j ruttinger
Get a 25-pack from Amazon for $31.95.