There are those days when things just never seem to go right. Like when you spill your coffee or when you’re late and nothing seem to show up on time.
These are normal bad days, but then there are the days that are so horrible they become the worst day of your life. You may have good stories to tell for later, but when it happens it’s so colossally bad that you don’t even want to believe it happened.
While everyone has a different way of reacting to these situations, millennials are prone to dark humor. We’ve all had too many days like this so lets at least share it and make it go away and just laugh about it. Maybe this laugh will give you a better day for today!
1. When one guy found his car like this
Can you imagine the likelihood of this happening? Someone just happened to rip all four doors off his car. The poster kept their sense of humor about it, saying, “At least it’s still summer.”
2. When one shattered item wasn’t enough.
Imagine stumbling to the sink early in the morning for a drink of water, dropping your glass, and hearing something shatter. Well, actually it was two things. Now, you have glass to sweep up and you need a small renovation.
3. When it was too early for this crap
This person must have been seriously exhausted not to realize what they were doing. In the big scheme of things, this isn’t really a big deal. But it sure is a crappy way to start the day.
4. When my worst nightmare happened to this guy
Just remember kids: the next time you’re having an honestly horrible, awful, miserable day … remind yourself that at least you don’t have a snake in your pants.
5. When it snowed the one time you forgot to close the sunroof
I’m betting that if their sunroof was open, it meant the previous day was pretty nice. That’s when the universe decided to pull a fast one and just snow right into the car. Have fun cleaning that up in the cold!
6. When this nonsense happened first thing in the morning
This is the kind of bad luck that you have to laugh at or else you might just cry. The poster confirmed that yes, this happened to them as soon as they left their house that morning. Hopefully, their afternoon was a bit better.
7. When there were no signs on the wet concrete
This bicycle and the ensuing footprints tell a story, don’t they? And what a tragedy it is. Apparently, the construction crew forgot to put up signs that day, which meant that someone lost a bike.
8. When their car literally started to fall apart
We take it for granted that all the parts on our car are more or less fastened on tightly. It’s not exactly a pleasant surprise when your tire just falls off in the middle of your drive. In fact, that will probably derail your whole day.
9. When this guy thought he could make it
This poor man has a look of complete defeat on his face as he contemplates his car. It fits so perfectly in that spot, which means, of course, that it’s wedged tight. If I were him, I might just turn around and go back to bed.
10. When they forgot to break their spaghetti noodles
Spaghetti is a quick and easy dinner that’s also delicious. But there’s at least a little bit of preparation involved. For example, those noodles…they burn.
11. When they gave up their dream of being a professional chef
I guess on the bright side, nothing is on fire in this kitchen. On the downside, they won’t be doing any cooking in the near future. Do we actually want to know how they managed to break the stove?
12. When this tragedy struck
I don’t know about you, but I can’t personally imagine a worse day than this. I don’t know what kind of swerving caused the ice cream to vault to the floor AND ripped it open, but I don’t want to think about it. It’s too horrible.
13. When this student chose the wrong place to sit
This really begs the question: did the instructor know the sprinklers were still on? Either he forgot there was lawn maintenance or he knew and he just allowed it. This poor guy had a rough day, but the others probably thought it was hilarious.
14. When they painted the interior of their car
Looking at a picture like this makes you want to just throw the entire car away. How do you even start to clean that much paint off an interior? And it’s going to smell like a hardware store for the rest of time.
15. When he fell down the stairs with an open bucket of paint
This one is so tragic, it’s funny. This poor man fell down the stairs holding a five-gallon bucket of paint. Forget trying to clean paint off the inside of a car — how on earth is he going to get all that off himself?
16. When interior design became an interior disaster
Apparently, painting isn’t as easy as you think! This poor woman just learned the hard way to watch where she steps. I’m pretty sure she’ll be throwing those shoes in the trash.
17. When this very cheap candle burned this very expensive computer
Isn’t it lovely to sit at a table lit by a candle, offering a little warmth and light, as well as a delicious aroma? Well, let’s just say — not when it’s burning a hole in your pricey laptop.
18. When cooking meant destroying the kitchen
Look, yet another person who destroyed an entire stove burner! The good news is that its glass and it shattered absolutely everywhere. Knowing how glass flies, there’s a good chance they’ll need to throw their dinner out, too.
19. When the house started falling apart
You know it’s a bad day when your back deck just completely falls off your house with no warning. That’s something you can’t always prepare for. Lucky for these homeowners, it looks like it didn’t do too much damage to the house or their vehicle.
20. When the clothes got a little too dry
Too many people play fast and loose with cleaning out the lint trap in the drier. We always think it will never happen to us! Unfortunately, this person now needs a new drier, new clothes, and a fire extinguisher.
21. When snow fell off a roof above this car
Winter is a dangerous time, with snow accumulating on roofs. But there isn’t usually enough snow to do damage like this! This poor person is the definition of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
22. When this ATM shut down at the worst possible time
In case you were wondering, yes, the poster’s card was still in the machine. Hopefully, they weren’t hurting for cash. I honestly don’t know what I would do in that situation.
23. When this person lost something precious
This is yet another picture that says a thousand words — and they spell a tragedy. Nothing could be worse than getting a fresh, hot pizza and then immediately dropping the entire thing on the dirty ground.
24. When this disaster happened
Looking at this disaster, you have to wonder if it cost someone their job. You also have to wonder about the poor saps that had to spend the day cleaning up this nasty mess.
25. When UPS ruined someone’s day
Oh, how exciting to get a package from UPS! But this genius delivery person decided to prop it up perfectly underneath the door handle, ensuring that it was stuck and the owner couldn’t open the door.
26. When someone wasted their money
People have all sorts of tips and tricks to test whether a fruit is ripe. Some say try to squeeze it slightly. Others say do a smell test and knock it with your knuckles. Whatever one is true … this person didn’t do it.
27. When this person wasn’t getting out in time for class
I’m assuming this person took a picture to prove to their professor why they didn’t make it to class that day. Hopefully, it didn’t count against them, since there was no earthly way to foresee losing their door handle.
28. When this was very good and also horrible
On one hand, hooray, nothing broke and the fish is okay! On the other hand, there is no way to salvage this without turning it into a disaster. Can the fish just live right there from now on?
29. When someone chose the wrong spot to park
Trying to find a parking spot can be a nightmare. Unfortunately, this person didn’t choose wisely. They’re paying the price with an absolute deluge of water beating away at their car.
30. When someone had to learn to be patient
In case you were wondering, that’s 16,871 days, or 554 months, or 46.2 years. So, you might want to go run a few errands while you’re waiting.