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30+ Everyday Items With A Purpose You Didn’t Know About

There are some items that we use every day but it has a purpose to it that we don’t even know about.

There are things right under our nose that can be making our lives easier if only we didn’t overlook them.

Many common objects we see every day have secret features that can do all sorts of cool things. You just have no idea that they’re there. So, we’re going to tell you about it.

Those little buttons on your jeans, those marks on your tires, and the tab at the end of your measuring tape. You know what we’re talking about. But you don’t know exactly what they do.

Here Are 55 Everyday Items You Didn’t Know Had A Purpose!


1) Bumps On the “F” and “J” Keys

When your fingers are in proper typing form the index fingers should be positioned on the “F” and “J” keys. If you know you’re fingers are there you can type without looking at the keyboard. You’d know that if you went to typing school. These little design hacks make things a bit easier!

Source: Business Insider

2) Holes In Airplane Windows

These things have two purposes. One is to compensate for the difference in air pressure as the altitude changes. It also prevents the window from fogging up. So if you were worried about why there was a hole in your airplane window, now you know why!

Source: Business Insider

3) The Hole In The Cap Of A Ballpoint Pen

This is a safety feature. A lot of people put the pen caps in their mouth and accidentally inhale their pen cap. The hole allows air to get through so they can breathe while they get help. It makes you wonder, how many lives has this added feature saved?!

Source: Business Insider

4) Black Grating On Microwave Window

It’s called a Faraday shield. It prevents microwaves from escaping and turning the box into a Faraday cage. Your food also won’t cook properly if the rays escape. So if you thought that this cage was just making it harder to see your food while it cooked, think again!

Source: Stack Exchange

5) Extra Holes In Your Shoes

The ones at the top of your running shoes. They are meant to be used so you can tie your shoes in different ways. This can help compensate for things like a damaged toe or bad stride. These extra holes in your shoes make it so that you can change the fit or look of your shoes depending on your preferences.

Source: imgur

6) The Holes in the Side Of Your Converse Sneakers

These holes have multiple functions. For one they allow air into your shoe to keep your feet cool. You can also use them to tie your shoes in different ways. Take a look at this video to learn more about how the holes in your converse sneakers can be used!


Source: WatchZozo


7) Screwdriver That Work With Wrenches

Slide the end of your wrench over your screwdriver. This will give your screwdriver a little more torque. That’s why your screwdriver head is shaped like that. You can use this method when you have awkward angles. So the next time you’re having trouble using your screwdriver, try adding a wrench to make it easier!

Source: Urbo

8) Extra Threading On Your Medicine Bottle

There’s a reason why your medicine bottle has male threading on the inside. Some bottles come with a cap you can flip upside down. This turns it into a regular bottle instead of a childproof one. This makes it so much easier to access your medicine – just make sure not to do it with children around.

Source: imgur

9) Grove in the Tic-Tac Dispenser

That small groove in the top of a Tic-Tac dispenser helps you dispense just one Tic-Tac at a time. But no one eats one Tic-Tac at a time. I guess its better than spilling a bunch out at once and having to wiggle them back in after they’ve already been in your hand.

Source: Reddit

10) The Hole In your Pot Handle

These are used to hang your pots and pans. You can also use it to hold your kitchen utensils. It will prevent the utensil from swimming around in what you’re cooking.

Source: Imgur

11) Some Extra Pieces Of Fabric

Some newer pieces of clothing come with a few spare pieces of fabric. This is so you can test the colorfastness of the fabric. They come in handy when you change detergents or are trying a new stain remover. Make sure to save these extra pieces of fabric when you get new clothes!

Source: Scoop Woop

12) The Hole In Your Spaghetti Spoon

Most spaghetti cooking spoons have holes in the middle of them. It’s mainly used to help drain water. However, some can also be used to measure out a single serving of dry spaghetti.

Source: PopSugar

13) Metal Bit At The End Of Measuring Tape

That metal bit usually has a serrated edge. The edge is used to score softer surfaces, like drywall, so you can mark it without a pencil. The hook also has a hole in it which can be used to help hold a screw or nail in place.

Source: YouTube Screenshot

14) Marks Between Your Tire Treads

These marks are also a safety feature. It represents the minimum height of your tread. If it gets lower than this, then your tire is no longer safe to drive on.

Source: Affordable Auto Hopkins

15) Gas Pump Latch

Ever wonder what that latch on the gas pump handle is? It’s a trigger lock. It keeps your gas pumping when you walk away.

Source: OC Register

16) Arrow On Your Gas Gauge

Forget what side the gas tank is on? You don’t have to get out of the car to check. The arrow on your gas gauge points to it.

Source: All State

17) The Tiny Buttons On Your Jeans

They are actually called rivets. They were used to protect the weak points in the pants structure when pants were made from canvas. Now they are made from heavyweight denim.

Source: TODAY Show

18) That Extra Oven Knife

This knob allows you to properly calibrate your oven’s temperature. Set your oven to 300 degrees and test it with a thermometer. Pull the knob off and use the screws to loosen or and adjust the face of the knob.

Source: The Appliance Clinic

19) Hole At The Bottom Of Your Padlock

This hole is used to pour oil into. Pour some in if you lock become rusty. It also allows any liquid that seeps in to seep out.

Source: YouTube Screenshot

20) Diamond Shaped Backpack Square

These are call “Lash Tabs.” Also known as “Pig Snouts.” They are used to hold extra gear on cords strung through the holes when you camp or hike.

Source: Marie Claire

21) Hat Pom Pom

Now they are just used for decorations. However, they used to be used by French marines in the 18th century. They would cushion their heads if it hit the ship’s low ceilings in the cabin.

Source: Providr

22) Dip In The Bottom Of A Wine Bottle

It’s called a “punt.” It helps to chill the bottle faster and make it resistant to high pressure. It also makes the bottle easier to hold and pour.

Source: YouTube Screenshot

23) Loop On The Back of Your Shirt

You’ll find a loop on the back of most dress shirts. They are used to hang your shirts from in the closet. It prevents them from being wrinkled

Source: Scoop Whoop

24) The Blue Side of The Eraser

It’s not for erasing pen. It’s used to erase pencil on heavier paper. It can also erase smudges left by the pink eraser.

Source: YouTube Screenshot

25) Toothpaste Squares

Ever wonder what those colored squares are at the bottom of toothpaste tubes? They are left there during manufacturing. They indicate whether the package can be folded or cut.

Source: Hoax or Fact

26) Colored Ice Cream Scoopers

There’s a reason ice cream scoopers come in different colors. It’s not just for aesthetic reasons. It represents the size of the scoop and how many it will take to fill 32 ounces.

Source: Web Restaurant Store

27) The Divets in A Golf Ball

There’s a reason why golf balls aren’t perfectly round. The dimpled ridges reduce the amount of drag when the ball is in the air. They allow the ball to go faster and farther.

Source: Golfweek

28) The Long Neck Of A Beer Bottle

The long neck on a beer bottles helps to transfer heat when you grab the bottle. It distributes heat down the neck and into the bottle. It helps your beer stay cooler longer.

Source: All About Beer

29) Legs On An Apple Power Cable

Apple power adapters flip out of the bottom of your cable adapter. When they are unfolded you can wrap your cable around it. It clamps so you can secure it.

Source: itsJeremiahS

30) The Zig Zag On a Bobby Pin

Some bobby pins have grooves in them. The groove helps to grab the hair better. You should put them in with the grooved part near the scalp.

Source: WikiHow

31) Discs In The Top of Soda Bottles

We often see codes printed underneath this plastic disk. But the reason they are there is to seal in liquid and carbonation. Your soda would go flatter faster without them.

Source: Ali Baba

32) Soda Tab

The tab in your soda can can be used to hold your straw in place. Just flip it around. Insert your straw through the hole.

Source: Mix969

33) Toothpick Holder

Some toothpick tops have ridges in them. You’re supposed to break that off. Prop your toothpick up on it so it doesn’t touch anything. It’s more hygienic.

Source: Imgur

34) Aluminum Foil Tabs

You seen these but probably ignored it. The tabs fold in and work to lock your roll in. It prevents the roll from moving around when you grab a sheet.

Source: 1000 Awesome Things

35) Flaten Take Out Boxes

You don’t have to ask for plates. Just unflatten your takeout box. It turns into a plate.

Source: Huffington Post

36) Mini Jean Pocket

Most of our jeans have a smaller pocket inside the larger one. But why? It was made for people to put their pocket watch in.

Source: Listin Maniac

37) Tab On Rearview

There’s a tab on your rearview mirror that serves as a safety feature. It stops you from being blinded when a car behind you has their high beams on. It will deflect the light while still allowing you to see.

Source: Wikipedia

38) The Hole In Your iPhone

You’ll notice a little hole next to the camera on your rearfacing camera. It’s actually a microphone. It allows you to record sound when your camera is turned around.

Source: Apple Flight

39) The 57

Ever wonder why there is a 57 on your ketchup bottle. If you tap it your ketchup will slide out faster. Only 11 percent of people are believed to know this.

Source: Go Social

40) Starbucks Lid

Ice coffee cups can sweat a lot. To catch that sweat, take the top off. Flip it over and use it as a coaster.

Source: Imgur/Daily Mail

41) The thick cylinder found on some cables

Those cylindrical thicker parts of a cord are actually called ferrite cores or chokes. Basically, they’re chunks of magnetic iron oxide that help suppress high-frequency electromagnetic interference. As if we know what any of that is.

Source: Wikimedia

42) Notches on utility blades

Next time you’re using your utility blade or box cutter, take a look at the notches that are etched along the blade. You can actually break the blade off at this score lines to give yourself a fresh, new blade. Pretty nifty, right?

Source: Wikimedia

43) The little spike inside some caps

Maybe you’ve noticed a weird sharp spike in the top of your caps. These types of caps are used when there’s a protective foil on the container. Turn the cap upside down and use the spike to poke right through it.

Source: Instagram

44) Random hole in school rulers

You may have seen a strange, seemingly out-of-place hole on one side of a ruler. There’s actually a reason for it–organization! Use the hole to hang the ruler on nail or pushpin for extra room on your desk.

Source: MaxPixel

45) Chupa Chups hollow stick

The popular Chupa Chups suckers have a plastic stick that is actually hollow. Many people think that it’s to prevent choking or for children to whistle through, but it actually serves a different purpose.According to Providr, the sticks were “actually created to stop the candy from being pulled out. This makes the candy harder to swallow by accident. In the production phase, and while the candy is still in liquid form, the hollow stick is inserted into the liquid so that when it hardens, it does so through the hole first to prevent the candy from falling out.”

Source: Flickr

46) Legs on a keyboard

The most logical thing that you probably think the leg stands on a keyboard are for is ergonomics, right? Wrong. They were actually designed to tilt the keyboard so that people could see the keys they’re hitting. In all actuality, having a flat keyboard is actually more ergonomic for your wrists.

Source: Shapeways

47) Removable headrests

The headrests in our car are for, well–resting our heads, right? Well, yes, but the removable ones also serve another safety purpose as well. If for some reason you ever become trapped in your car, remove the headrest and insert the metal ‘tongs’ into the window sill. Pull the headrest back slightly, and it will shatter the window so you can escape.

Source: PxHere

48) Colored bread tags

This may or may not be something you’ve noticed before, but the different colors of tags on bread actually have a purpose–they indicate what day they were baked or delivered. “The colors are already organized in alphabetical order, as in “Black, Green, Red, White, Yellow”, and they each correspond to the day of the week, as in, “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,” explains Life Buzz.

Source: Pinterest

49) Double-container Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt with toppings included on the side has been more and more popular lately. Most people probably scoop the yogurt then take a scoop of topping, but the container was actually designed to fold between the two so that the topping pours right on top.

Source: LifeBuzz

50) The flap on toilet seat covers

If you’re like most people on this planet, you have probably been putting the flap of the toilet seat covers toward the back of the toilet. That’s incorrect. It actually belongs in the front which prevents dragging the cover down while you go.

Source: LifeBuzz via Reddit

51) Applesauce and yogurt lids

No need to pack a spoon when you have applesauce or yogurt in your packed lunch. The sturdy foil of the lid was actually designed to be folded and turned into a handy, disposable spoon!

Source: Cybergazing

52) The tiny hole on elevator doors

Most people have no idea what that little hole is in nearly all elevator doors. Well, it’s not a peephole–it’s actually the hole for an elevator key. Elevator personnel can open that door to do repairs while the elevator itself might be on a different floor.

Source: Wikimedia

53) Positioning of exit signs

You can quickly identify if you’ll be taking a left or right exit off the freeway by paying attention to the positioning of the numbered exit sign. If it’s on the left, you’ll exit left. If it’s on the right, you’ll exit right.

Source: Wikimedia

54) Two zippers on backpacks and luggage

Have you ever wondered why almost all backpacks and luggage bags come with two zippers? Not only does it make it easier and more convenient to open, but it’s also so you can lock the two zippers together to prevent theft.

Source: Reddit

55) Flip tabs on juice boxes

If you or your kids have ever accidentally grabbed a full juice box a little too firmly, juice can come squirting out all over the place. Prevent that by flipping up the tabs on the side of the juice box and use those to hold it while you drink.

Source: Beach Packaging Design