You think you’re cool with all the little mess around your house but deep inside you know that it bothers you like hell. Lucky for you, there are people who are just like you that made a step and invented cleaning tools that could simply work your way out!
1. A cooktop cleaning kit, because if you’re not splattering sauce everywhere you’re awkwardly avoiding the mess. This will tackle grease, stubborn stains, and burnt-on residue before you have time to avoid eye contact with your roommate.

This comes with everything ya need: a 10-ounce bottle of cleaning solution, two cleaning pads, and one scraper.
Promising review: “I was skeptical but I went for it and holy moly, does it work. It works such wonders on my stupid glass cooktop that I feel like Martha freaking Stewart. Truth be told, cleaning has never been, nor will it ever be, my greatest strength, but this cleaning product makes it easy enough that even I could do it. Save yourself the time and frustration, because the landlord picked this stupid cooktop for the ‘aesthetic’ and a trap to keep your security deposit but you know what?!? Buy this thing and you can tell em, ‘not this time’! You won’t get another penny out of me! Bwahahahaha.'” —Rita
Get it from Amazon for $10.99.
2. A tub of heavy-duty cleaning wipes that’ll conquer scary messes wherever they happened: even on your carpet. The next time you spill nail polish on the rug again (tonight), you can be done with panicked scrubbing before you know it.
These work on almost any surface: leather, fabric, furniture, hardwood, pans, metal, WHEREVER. And! They’ll clean up grease, oil, tar, dirt, ink, lipstick, nail polish, food, and a whole lot more.
Promising review: “These are awesome! The size of the container is large and so was the quantity I received. The wipes are huge and tough, great for scrubbing! I cleaned my whole house with these and they removed stains I haven’t been able to get out for a while. I also tried them on my walls and they did not remove the paint. Also, they smell fantastic: no chemical smell whatsoever. These are a great deal on Amazon, and I will be purchasing them again!” —Suze
Get a 90-pack from Amazon for $11.94.
3. A tub of OxiClean stain remover for easily hitting the reset button no matter how intimidating the damage. Spilt food on your comforter? More like wine? Easy peasy.

Promising review: “This works so well as a stain remover and is so easy to use! Just throw it in the washer with laundry detergent and the stains disappear! As the mother of an infant son who is constantly spitting up, I couldn’t be happier with the convenience and effectiveness of this product.” —Lindsey Jebb
Get it from Amazon for $12.48.
4. A Clorox ToiletWand so you can remove tough stains and eliminate germs not only super fast, but at a safe distance from the potty. Basically this will do all the *heavy lifting* while you essentially just move your arm.
It comes with a caddy and six disposable refill sponges!
Promising review: “So, we have a toilet that belongs to the cats. We don’t use it, we don’t look at it, we like to pretend it does not exist. Even with semi-regular flushing, cat waste is pretty nasty stuff and built up quickly in the bowl. One of these wands cleaned it up in a single session! Before-and-after pic attached (above).” —Whitney
Get it from Amazon for $7.99.
5. A handheld Dirt Devil vacuum, because a lightweight design plus a powerful motor means all those crumbs that have been chilling on your couch cushions just found a new home — in the trash. And all it took was a ~flick of the wrist~.
Plus its 16 foot power cord lets you *go the distance* when cleaning your whole house (or car).
Promising review: “Holy smokes. Do yourself a favor and get this. This little guy gets the job done.I used it to clean out my car that transports two active, filthy children who apparently cannot manage to get french fries in their mouths, and one long haired Nordic dog whose only response to anything is ‘shed immediately’. It did better than any vac at a car wash. The crevice tool got all the crumbs out of the gear shift spot. I don’t even know how those crumbs get there, because that’s not, like, prime food real estate. Whatever. Get this and you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how nice your car looks for all of 40 seconds before the kids/dogs pile back in.” —Keeks
Get it from Amazon for $28.99.
6. A TubShroom that’ll cancel showering in standing water when you can’t bring yourself to snake the drain. Oh, this has been happening for a year now? PLEASE GET THIS.

Just put it in your drain and pop it out to clean every so often. It’s made of silicone so you can easily wipe away all that gross hair and who knows what else before you lose your cool. And check out a BuzzFeeder’s full review for all the info!
Promising review: “I held off reviewing this to see how it worked over the course of a month or so. My first though is, ‘how are my husband and I not bald?’. Seriously, I empty this thing every other day (see nastily graphic photo below) and it is always completely gunked up with hair and goo of all types. I was impressed by the sheer amount of hair and other stuff this thing captured. It was easy to install (unscrew the small metal drain covering, gag at the stuff growing on the underside of said covering, pop the TubShroom in the hole). Yes, clean up is disgusting. Pull it out with a paper towel and clean it off with another one. It’s flexible, so the gunk comes off easily.” —LT
Get it from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in six colors).
7. A pet hair remover for accepting that *furry chic* is not a thing at all and committing a few minutes to de-shedding your rugs and couches with this easy-to-use handheld sticky tool.

Promising review: “This thing is amazing. With multiple cats and two dogs who have no boundaries in the house (couches, chairs, and beds are free game), and more than a few with black fur, our furniture and carpets were constantly covered. This thing works wonders! It’s easy to use, does the job right, and is cheap. What a bang for your buck. The fur comes right off, it’s a miracle. I recently used it in our bedroom since we have light blue carpet. The vacuum wasn’t sucking up the fur and the carpet looked dingy and dirty. I got down and went to town on the carpet with this thing and the difference is like night and day. It picked up everything. I scrubbed hard enough to loosen up a six month old skittle from the carpet too. Seriously, if you have pets, this is a must. Bought it in March, it’s now October. and it still works like a beast. You won’t regret buying this.” —dameow687
Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in two colors).
8. A can of Easy Off oven cleaner so that time your pie leaked everywhere can finally be undone. How long ago was that again? Let’s not think about it.

Plus its lemon scent *might* inspire you to cook. If you’re feeling up to it.
Promising review: “I’m a little embarrassed to write this review; it’s been six years since my last oven cleaning. After seeing the results, I couldn’t help but spread the word. Sure, it took some beer, a little John Mayer, and a lot of elbow grease, but I got the job done, thanks to this handy little product. It did require two treatments; however, given the circumstances, this product accomplished quite a feat in just an hour. The attached pictures (above) speak for themselves.” —William Fredericks
Get it from Amazon for $6.29.
9. A pair of microfiber duster slippers, because sometimes the only cleaning we want to get done is when walking to the kitchen. Now you can count that pan of brownies as a ~reward~.

Natalie Brown / BuzzFeed
Check out some BuzzFeeders’ review of these when they tested products for lazy cleaners!
Promising review: “This must be the greatest idea since the discovery of fire! Two days in, and my hardwood is shining! And all with just walking around! Of course the quality is pedestrian (pardon), of course it doesn’t look like it was made by Versace, but that’s not the point, is it?” —Nigel
Get them from Amazon for $10.12 (available in sizes 6-9 and in two colors).
10. A Swiffer wet and dry mop that’ll be the easiest solution to picking up the dirt, hair, and other grime that’s been living on your kitchen floor since Christmas. Hey look, it’s your tiles — remember them?

This comes as a starter kit: one sweeper, seven dry sweeping cloths, and three wet mop cleaning solution cloths!
Promising review: “This product saved me — I have arthritis in my back and knees, and normal mopping and ringing out were such a chore and pain to my joints. The Swiffer is so easy: no bending, no rinsing out, no wringing. I just put a wet pad on, run it over the floors, and they come out clean. When the pad gets dirty, you just change it. I recommend this great product to everyone if they want a truly clean floor with no hassle.” —Frank Paolucci
Get it from Amazon for $9.94.
11. A wood polisher for getting rid of the wear-and-tear your table or wardrobe are starting to show. No trip to IKEA for a new table necessary — a session with this will get rid of scratches, water marks, you name it. Heck do it while watching Netflix.

Plus it feeds your wood protective carnauba wax and beeswax to give it some ~luster~ and extend its lifetime.
Promising review: “OMG! This is the most AMAZING product! We inherited some antique furniture from the ’30s that had been in storage forever. It was dry, dirty, and not much to look at. I used this product on it and the oak wood literally came alive, showing the beautiful grain and texture of the wood. I have since used it on my oak kitchen cabinets and they look AMAZING! I will never use anything else other than this product on my wood surfaces! No greasy feel, just a fantastic smell!” —Tiffany Sadowski
Get it from Amazon for $7.98.
12. A bottle of Finish booster powder so you can restore dishes with hard water stains or just glasses you’ve been *getting around* to replacing after many red wine nights. Throw ’em in the dishwasher with this, and they’re back to brand spanking new.
Promising review: “I could not get my flatware to come out clean from the dishwasher and I wondered if it was the hard water. I was using up to three soap blocks in each load with only partial improvement. I used this the first time and voilà! Perfectly clean flatware for the first time. I LOVE this!” —Susan A
Get it from Amazon for $5.97.
13. A set of microfiber cloths, because we may or may not be guilty of just leaving our mirrors streaky after a lazy attempt at cleaning them. These are totally lint- and streak-free and take about one minute to use. No spray involved.

They’re great for windows or any glassware, too!
Promising review: “I couldn’t get my windows clean using cleaning solution, newsprint, and a lot of elbow grease. There were always streaks and dirt left behind. Enter these things. One quick cleaning, and I do mean quick, and my windows are now cleaner than any windows I’ve ever cleaned. It’s simply amazing. We were all standing around in utter shock and delight before running around trying the cloths on other stuff: the TV, the picture glass, etc. I know it sounds corny, but I couldn’t wait to get up this morning, because I woke up in the middle of the night excitedly thinking about trying it on the car today. They are truly, truly amazing.” —Amazon Customer
Get an eight-pack from Amazon for $13.98.
14. A pack of toilet cleaning gel that’ll live on the side of the bowl and quickly become your *number two*. Meaning: it cleans every time you flush — you’re free from the dreaded (and avoided) bathroom doody. ?

It comes with a tool to let you squeeze a dollop of the gel onto the side of your toilet!
Promising review: “Love these. They keep the toilet clean. So you squeeze this thick, nice smelling gel stuff onto the inside of your toilet bowl using the dispenser that comes with — easy. It lasts a few weeks according to how often your toilet is flushed. Each time you flush, water runs over the gel, cleaning the bowl and dispensing a fresh scent. I’ve watched as, ahem, dirty stuff stuck on the inside of the bowl gets washed away as the cleaner works its magic. I’ve used these for years and highly recommend.” —Johnny’s girl
Get a two-pack from Amazon for $6.88.
15. A can of cookware polish for removing food and grease stains before you even have time to say you’ll let them “soak”. Will this work when you….leave the grease there overnight (you were just SO tired weren’t you)? Yes indeed.
It’s great for removing food stains, grease, rust stains, and lime buildup!
Promising review: “I love this product! I recently got new pots and pans that I absolutely love. They’re stainless steel and I love the way they look. Unfortunately, I’ve burnt something on just about all of them, but this really helped to clean them up. I put this powder on the wet pans and use steel wool to scrub out any stains. It’s amazing! You don’t even have to scrub super hard.Overall, I love this product and it will forever be part of my cleaning routine!” —KARINA
Get it from Amazon for $7.50.
16. A wine stain removing spray so you can prevent any nights out from going sour. I’m not sure who trusted us with a glass of merlot, though. PLEASE do not just toss that shirt on The Chair.

Check out other stain removal hacks to avoid future freak-outs!
Promising review: “I fell in love with this product some 15 years ago and I am so very happy that it’s still available in the same wonderful formula as ever. It has a fantastic citrus scent. This takes care of any stain so fast and efficiently, it’s become a party trick. I have seriously poured red wine over a white comforter to demonstrate how great it is to a friend once. It is a miracle in a bottle! We use it for all sorts of cleaning on materials around the house, and one bottle has lasted us years! This is definitely a product every home should have.” —Melanie Nolen
Get it from Amazon for $6.
17. A microwave steam cleaner, because you and I both know that the exploded lasagna from three weeks ago is still there. I know it, and your roommate knows it. But this will loosen the hardened mess so you’re done in a swipe. Bless.

Just fill ‘er with vinegar ($2 on Amazon) and let the microwave run for seven minutes!
Promising review: “I’m embarrassed to say I hadn’t cleaned my microwave in about six months. It’s an awful task. I ran Angry Mama one time, wiped down easily, then ran it one more time to get it detailed really clean. I highly recommend using it more often than once every six months for a super fast, super clean microwave!” —Kelsey
Get it from Amazon for $8.68.
18. An extendable tub and tile scrubber with a pivoting head that’ll get every nook and cranny squeaky clean without making you get down and gritty. Translation: you just reach and scrub. That’s it.
It extends between a whopping 26-42 inches!
Promising review: “I have cancer in my spine and so I experience pain every day. I have been unable to lean over and clean my bathtub for a month! I thought I must do something and decided to take a chance on this. I am so glad I did! This thing really gets my bathtub clean, every single corner of it! And I do not have to bend at all. What a great tool this is!” —C. Berfield
Get it from Amazon for $12.99.
19. A squeegee broom for easily collecting dirt and pet hair (or yours tbh) from hard-to-clean carpets.

It also makes cleaning up spills on hard surfaces easier!
Promising review: “I bought this broom two years ago and it is still going strong! I have four large breed dogs and we have fur EVERYWHERE! This works so, so well! I came back and purchased one for my neighbor and sent one to my favorite pet rescue down south. I am always amazed at what this picks up even after I just ran the vacuum. I also use it to get dust and cobwebs off the floors and ceilings. It truly is a super tool.” —Roseann
Get it from Amazon for $12.99.
20. A pack of Glisten garbage disposer cleaner so you can clear out all the food scraps you keep shoving down the drain instead of just picking it all up and throwing it in the trash. You know what, I’m tired from just writing that. I understand.
You just pop the packet down the drain! Can’t get any easier.
Promising review: “Holy cow I didn’t realize how easy and quick it was to clean a garbage disposal until I bought this product! Typically, in my naïve thinking, I’d just use vinegar and baking soda down the drain and call it good. Little did I know that there was an actual cleaning product available until I stumbled across it through a Buzzfeed article. So of course, I had to try it. Very simple instructions: it literally takes five minutes and some hot water and VOILÀ! You have a clean, no-longer-stinky garbage disposal. Let me say that anytime I got a whiff of an odor, all I did was drop one of those packs in the disposal and the smell was GONE! Plus the blue foam bubbling through the sink was amusing to watch ;-). Worth every penny!” —VadersGirl
Get it from Amazon for $6.29.
21. A pack of Clorox antibacterial wipes, because these are literally the solution to being too lazy to clean. No tools, no fancy techniques, just a few swipes and your counters are back to shiny (like when you moved in).
Promising review: “My perfect just about ‘all-cleaner’ for when I was in college and now for my new apartment — tiles, tables, mirrors, it cleans everything. It’s cheap too for what you get. It’ll last a long long time (just make sure to keep the top closed so it doesn’t dry out)!” —Nick23
Get a 75-pack from Amazon for $4.98.
22. A set of Affresh dishwasher cleaning tablets that’ll dissolve food residue that’s been hanging out for awhile now. This may be why our parents told us to ~rinse~ dishes first…well now we don’t have to, anyway.

Promising review: “This works extremely well. We haven’t done any cleaning on our dishwasher in five years, and the sliding dish trays were tough to pull out or push in, there was detergent build-up all over the inside, and there was a milky film on all our cups. I bought Affresh, ran the dishwasher with two tablets while it was empty, and the difference was astounding. There was still some build-up and I figured it would require another cycle, so I popped another two tablets in, ran the machine a second time, and now it looks and sounds brand-new. No more film on the glasses, no more dirty dishes from clogged sprayers, no more odors, or build-up around the door seals. I’m going to be buying Affresh from now on, and hopefully it will extend the life of my dishwasher.” —Martoune
Get it from Amazon for $5.99.
23. A Mr. Clean Magic Eraser Bath for conquering the tub you guys are starting to get nervous to bathe in. This will easily wipe away the toughest of grime, soap scum, etc. so you’re done before you have the chance to give up.

Promising review: “These things are amazing! We have a rental property and the tenants trashed the house. I went to clean up and brought along these magic erasers. The bathroom was in really bad shape. I gagged for a portion of my scrubbing. These worked wonders. Id say that they probably cut my cleaning time in half. Water stains, grime, whatever it was that those tenants left on the floor near the toilet…it left everything looking as brand-new as it could. Saved me a lit of time and headache. Highly recommend these little guys. They pack a punch!” —Crista Nalezny
Get a four-pack from Amazon for $11.48.
24. A Bissell vacuum cleaner so you’re not punished for waiting several lifetimes to address the dirt-colored rectangle that is your carpet. This boasts a powerful suction to destroy every *situation* in its path.

And it’s lightweight so lifting it isn’t a *chore*.
Promising review: “Have long hair? Have you killed other vacuums with your (slightly worrying amount) of shedding? Then look no further. We bought a another Bissell vacuum a year ago, and it didn’t take long for my long hair to just kill the little vacuum. Now, we have this vacuum and our apartment is actually clean because my hair is not too much for it. The bristles have grooves that prevent hair from caking on, and it’s very easy to clean. The brushes are also adjustable, so you can really get into the carpet if you want. It’s also pretty light for something so heavy duty. I also love that all of the attachments stay on the vacuum, and I don’t want to look for that hand attachment. For the price, it’s a great vacuum and would really work if your place isn’t very big, as the cord isn’t super long.” —J. Haller
Get it from Amazon for $79.99.
25. A multi-purpose cleaning solution people like to use for rust, burnt pans, stained tubs, worn-down sinks, even Sharpie marks (!!!), because there isn’t a mess we haven’t seen. But now there won’t be a mess we haven’t fixed.

Promising review: “I was so bummed when I scratched up my pretty white sink with pots and pans. I thought I’d need to have it replaced or try to sand it and refinish it somehow, but I bought this stuff as a last ditch effort to fix it myself. It takes some elbow grease to make them go away, the scratches don’t just wipe off, but if you scrub at them for a few minutes they melt away pretty quickly. After two rounds my sink looks nearly brand new again. It also worked on a few mineral stains in my bathtub that I thought were permanent after soft scrub failed to remove them. Again, a little of this stuff, the scrubby side of a blue sponge, a little bit of effort and they were gone!” —Dan Borden
Get it from Amazon for $8.49.
26. A bottle of Goo Gone that’ll easily remove sticky messes (like gum, glue, and stickers) from surfaces without having to put too much elbow grease in. Like we would ever.
Promising review: “I have a terrible habit of putting chewing gum through the wash which then gets stuck all over the barrel of the dryer. For years I’d just put up with having the gunk stuck on there, but I decided to give this a try to get rid of a particularly bad lot that got stuck on. It is amazing — the gum comes straight off with very little work, and for smaller amounts of gum you only need a tiny bit of it. One bottle has lasted for ages. It’s also easy to clean off the Goo Gone itself once you’re done. Excellent stuff.” —mech4bg
Get it from Amazon for $7.88.
27. A spray bottle of pet stain remover for having a quick remedy on hand when our best friend has an accident. Everyone can be messy! But sadly it’s up to you take care of it — before the end of the week.

It works on all surfaces and takes care of everything: urine, feces, vomit, and drool. They’re lucky they’re so darn lovable.
Promising review: “Ok, I am about to get real here. Let’s be honest, this product is for pee, vomit, and poop and it works like magic. I have an grandpa dog who was starting to have bladder control issues due to hip surgery (he’s better now!). During that time, this stuff was a miracle worker. But, one day, dear aunt Flo surprised me a week early and I thought my white mattress would be ruined (I got to the sheets in time). Thinking to myself, ‘What the heck?! How much worse can it get?’ I decided to try this out. IT WORKED. Yes. I know that is not what this product is advertised for, but golly. If it can kick Aunt Flo to the curb, it can do anything. I am telling all of my girlfriends about this stuff.” —Miranda
Get it from Amazon for $19.97.
28. A pack of stainless steel cleaning wipes so you can easily remove fingerprints, residue, watermarks, and grease from the bottom of your sink. Oh yeah…we’re supposed to clean that too…totally forgot.

Promising review: “I purchased these wipes to clean my stainless steel refrigerator. I wanted something that would remove water stains and restore the shine, and these wipes delivered! After a few minutes of vigorously wiping back and forth along the grain, my refrigerator was looking brand-new. I was impressed with the results and noticed that the canister said the wipes could be used on sinks, so I tried one in my stainless steel sink to see what would happen. As you can see from the pictures (above), after just a few minutes of cleaning, my sink was sparkling and incredible! I began cleaning all of the stainless steel appliances in the kitchen, and just a few wipes and 20 minutes later my kitchen was looking better than ever.” —Connor
Get a two-pack from Amazon for $13.98.
29. A multi-surface cleaning spray especially popular for car seats, because it’s really easy to forget about the mess building up in your car once you get out. But it’s there. Waiting.

Promising review: “This product is great! All their products are great! But this new product they have developed knocks it out of the ball park! The pictures (above) are pictures of a 2007 Nissan Titan truck I was detailing for a customer. The seats were disgusting and stained. I CAN ASSURE YOU ALL I USED WAS CAR GUYS SUPER CLEANER to clean the seats. I simply sprayed this all over the seat until it was damp, scrubbed with a detail brush, then vacuumed all of it up and dried it with a microfiber. The results speak for themselves. This really is a SUPER CLEANER that is capable of cleaning mostly every interior surface and does an amazing job at it!” —Joseph L.
Get it from Amazon for $16.99.