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20+ Useful Housekeeping Hacks That Will Make Your Life So Much Easier

Keeping your home clean and nice can be a pain. There are so many things to be done and it keeps piling up.

There are a lot of hacks that can help you manage this, that unfortunately, not all landlords will tell you. In order to save time and money in the long run though, you should learn about them. So because of this, we’ve decided to compile a list of helpful tips to help you around the house.

Make your home smell good

Create your own, homemade air freshener so you can cut out the chemicals. It’s easy: just combine 10 drops of your favorite essential oils, 2 tablespoons of witch hazel and six tablespoons of water in a spray bottle. Shake and you’re done!

Source: Pixabay

Clean your windows without streaking

All you have to do is take a dry, clean chalkboard eraser and wipe the streaks away.

Source: Amazon

Clean mold from grout

Simply try a baking soda paste made from 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water. Apply the paste and wait 1-2 hours before rinsing and drying. You can also scrub with a tooth brush for a stronger effect.

Source: Networx

Clean your pop-up drain stopper

If your sink isn’t draining properly, fear not. All you have to do is use a needle-nosed plier to take out some of the clogged materials. Vinegar and baking soda can also help clear up some clogs before they get bad.

Source: Rent Post

Get rid of stubborn rust

A simple mixture of borax and lemon should work wonders on your bath tub.

Source: Happy Gift Ideas

Make your air smell fabulous

Just add essential oil to your air filter.

Source: Ambient Edge

Clean your yellow pillows

Whiten and clean up your yellow, oily pillows real fast with this recipe. 1 cup powdered laundry detergent, 1 cup powdered dishwasher detergent, 1 cup bleach (or bleach alternative), and 1/2 cup borax.Soak the pillow in warm water for 30 minutes. Then, add the above ingredients with more hot water to create a cleaning solution. Finally, let your pillow soak in that for about 30 minutes and then wash it like normal in the machines.

Source: Jaymantri

Get greasy film off of your kitchen cabinets

It’s easier than it sounds. All you have to do is mix 1 part coconut oil with 2 parts baking soda until they form a slightly thick paste, then rub the mixture onto the cabinets with a sponge or your finger. Then wipe everything off with a damp cloth.

Source: Pixabay

Fix your stinky fridge

First, clean your fridge (this way, you can hopefully find what’s causing the smell). Then, fill up the fridge with crumpled newspaper and add a generous amount of charcoal. Wait a couple of days and then it should be odor-free.

Source: Serious Eats

Clean out your rain gutters

It can be easy to overlook this, but you want to make sure you clear out any leaves, dirt, and other fallen things so that when winter rolls around, you’re set up for success.

Source: Top5Life

Repair wood rot

Instead of replacing a wooden door frame, repair and restore the rotten wood. It’ll save you time and money. Do this by either using a polyester filler or epoxy.

Source: Water Damage Defense

Sharpen garbage disposal blades

If you want it to properly dispose of the garbage you put in it, you’ll want to make sure your garbage disposal blades are sharp. Do this by dropping in an egg shell, turn on the water and run the disposal. If there’s a lingering odor from that, just drop in a few chunks of lemon.

Source: Food Network

Fix Squeaky Floors

Try using talcum powder in between the boards. You can also fix the problem from above by getting a hammer and driving two nails into the floor from opposite 45-degree angles.

Source: Smarter Timber Flooring

Unclog the toilet… Without a plunger

Sometimes you don’t have a plunger, or you do, but it’s not working. And if you keep flushing, you will end up flooding your bathroom. Instead, use a combo of extremely hot water and dish soap. That will help break down the clog and lubricate the toilet.

Source: Popular Mechanics

Fill small holes in a wall

Fixing a tiny hole in the wall is easier than you think. All you need is a putty knife, a Q-tip and some wall repair compound. Dab a little bit of the product onto the hole. Then clean up any excess.

Source: Lowes

Get rid of heat stains on your furniture

Using an iron and a light-colored towel, remove the unsightly white mark left behind from the heat damage.

Source: Oz Cleaning Supplies

Also get rid of water spots

Start with fine wire wool. Buff out the water mark, and then use varnish to even out the appearance of the wood.

Source: Dummies

Fix a wobbly ceiling fan

Its blades are probably bent, so first, try to bend them back into shape. Of course, to avoid breaking them, you want to do this slowly and carefully. If they are too bent to fix, by replacement blades and install them.

Source: Early Settler

Apply caulk

First of all, you want to make sure you properly remove the old caulk (the process on this can differ). Then you want to make sure you prep the surface before you caulk. Remove any present mold. Then invest in a proper caulk gun as well as caulk itself.

Source: The Spruce

Remove fingerprints from stainless steel.

Using the right cleaning cloth is key. A microfiber is ideal, as it removes dirt, grease, and grime from surfaces quickly.

Source: Amazon

Car scratches? No problem

You can’t completely hide light-to-medium car scratches with WD40, but it can definitely help hide them. After you wash your car, spray the scratches with the WD40, and then gently buff with a microfiber cloth.

Source: Auto Parts Warehouse

Clean your chimney

You’ll want to clean your fireplace every now and then if you actually use it. Save money and do it yourself. Invest in protective goggles, a ladder, a large chimney brush, and enough plastic sheeting to block off the rest of the room.

Source: CT Sweep

Clean your carpet

Borax can really come in handy for when it’s time to clean your carpet. Mix it with salt and vinegar (all 1/4 cup each) to create a paste that can then be used to fight stains. Just apply it and then leave it to dry. When it’s dry, vacuum over it. Running a steam cleaner to finish is great, but not always necessary.

Source: DIY Network

Clean refrigerator coils

They’re either behind or at the bottom of the unit, and even if you don’t see them, they are important to clean. All you have to do is unplug the fridge, get rid of the dirt and hair with a vacuum hose, and clean off any other gunk simply with soap and water.

Source: Realtor

Clean your mattress

All you have to do is sift baking soda over it, let it sit for 30 minutes, and then vacuum it up with a clean upholstery attachment.

Source: YouTube

Keep mirrors clean

Do this simply by dampening a soft rag with rubbing alcohol and wipe over the mirror’s surface.

Source: The Organised Housewife