Welcome to System32Comics, a comic series that is based on computer humor. No need to worry if you ain’t the expert in computer science because it’s just based on daily episodes everybody experiences when using a computer.
Comics speaks for itself so without further explanations, here is the collection of the recent uploads!
More info: Instagram | Facebook | twitter.com | webtoons.com
Asking The Internet
Lose Some Weight
I became obsessed with computers when I was about 15. I had always wanted to own a gaming PC but my parents couldn’t afford one. So, in an attempt to save money, I decided to try and build one myself and started researching the parts that I needed. The gaming PC has played a massive role in my life. Not only have I used it for gaming, but got into digital editing as well. It has taught me to edit videos, create animations and other digital art. This got me to a few first places winners in various film and art festivals and eventually lead me to create system32comics.
New Folders
Downloading Programs
Windows Updates
Computer Is Not Responding
Apple Maps
Sketchy Ads In Sketchy Websites
I created system32comics in late October, 2018, after carrying the idea for about a month. Since I created the series, coming up with new ideas hasn’t become harder or easier. I mean, even though computer comics is a very niche topic, it’s very flexible as well. For example, you can always write a comic about the latest tech news, or a tech flop, or even glitches games. There’s always room for more ideas.
Morning Coffee
The Experience Of Debugging In One Picture
PC Insecurities [collab With Corsair]
Recharging [collaboration With Prolificpencomics]
I Can’t See
The Last Resort [collaboration With Raphcomic]
I’m An iMac?
Computer Protection
Good Morning Computer
Expert Installation