Categories: lifehacksforu

16 Quick Hacks That Can Make Your Life Better

How do you eat your burger at McDonald’s? The way it’s served, right? That means the top bun stays on top, but you end up spilling all the sauces out with the patty dropping down the sides. Next time, try flipping the burger. Since the top bun is twice as thick as the bottom one, it’s much less likely to fall apart when it is flipped upside down. Now that’s what we call a life hack!


Smalljoys created a collection of 16 life hacks that at first sight might seem unconventional, but will later prove to make your life much easier.

How much juice is left in the battery?

Use “Favorites” on your phone to flag photos for mass deletion.


Use a blown-up plastic bag to act as a light diffuser while taking photographs, or use colored plastic bags as color filters.


A good way to carry a jug back from the store


Want to count active calories and keep your Apple Watch clean while painting? Use a sweatband as a cover!


Use different colored ink for different subjects when you’re allowed to use one-sided cheat sheets.


Freeze coffee in an ice tray so you don’t have to choose between drinking scalding hot coffee, or chilled, watered down coffee. Use milk or creamer if you don’t like black coffee. This works great with any freezable liquid that you don’t want to water down with ice.


Your fly won’t stay up? Attach a keyring to the zipper and hang it over the button.


Life hack for a wet mop


Super cool DIY clothing


“You can use old cassette cases as phone stands (used the cassette here as the photo was being taken by the phone).”


“Happiness knows no bounds when your roommate does this.”


No corkscrew? We gotcha, comrades!


When in a crowded area, turn off LTE and you will get better data speed.


Grilling meat on a skewer? Use 2 skewers so they don’t turn back once you flip them.


How to use the bathroom while wearing a big wedding dress:




Getting rid of stains on leather

Just apply a mixture of water and vinegar and gently rub it over the stain.

Keeping jewelry clean


This applies only to the non-precious metal parts of your jewelry. Cover the inside part of a ring with clear nail polish. You’ll never have to worry about getting marks on your fingers again.

Getting rid of oily stains on your clothes


Use baby powder to get rid of the stain.

Rescuing a shrunken t-shirt


Put your shrunken item of clothing into water with some kids’ shampoo (one liter of water for every spoon of shampoo). Leave it to soak for half an hour. Squeeze out the water and place the t-shirt between two towels for ten minutes. Then stretch the item out to its original size, putting something heavy on the edges to keep it stretched, and leave it to dry.

Use a razor to get rid of fluff from your clothes


Stopping jeans from fading


Add half a glass of vinegar to the washing machine to stop dark jeans losing their color when being washed.

To quickly iron a collar


Hair straighteners can help you to quickly iron the fabric around buttons and folds on shirts and skirts.

Removing scuff marks from suede shoes


Use an ordinary eraser to clean your suede shoes.

Cleaning the white part of your sneakers


Mix some cleaning solution with baking soda in a bowl, take an old tooth brush and use the solution to thoroughly clean the white rubber parts of your shoes.

How to fit the bottom of your jeans into your boots:


Removing sweat stains from your clothes


These stains can be cleaned using a mixture of lemon juice and baking soda.

Putting a cord through the hood of your hoodie


Use a straw to push the cords through the narrow holes.

Breaking in new shoes


Pour some water into sealable plastic packets, place them inside your shoes and put the shoes in the freezer. When the water freezes, it expands. Take the shoes out of the freezer, wait for the ice to melt a little and take the bags of water out. N.B: this method doesn’t work for patent leather shoes.

Getting rid of the static on your pants


To get rid of static, place a safety pin on the inside seam of each trouser leg.

To stop the zipper on your jeans from coming undone


Attach the ring from a key ring on the zipper and hook it over the button of your pants.